E C O N S T A T S TM  
  UK Statistics
unem_Claimant Count and V
unem Claimant Count and Vacancies
EGU5_Claimant count1by age and duration
      UK Office of National Statistics (ONS)
      HM Treasury - Weekly economic indicators
      HM Treasury - pocket databank (xls)
Commonly-used UK Stats Prelim Estimate Of GDP Jan 25 GDP Month 2 May 25 Gross Domestic Product (O) Aug 26 Motor Vehicle Prod Mar 2
UK Economic Accounts Dec 22 Detailed Index of Prod Dataset Jan 12 Productivity Dec 23 Public Sector Finances, Jan 24 Public Sector Accounts, Jun 30
Public Sector Trans: Calendar ... Jun 30 Public Sector Employment Stats Dec 14 PPI Aggregate Level Jan 13 Producer Prices - MM22 Jan 24 Consumer Price Indices Aug 16
Claimant Count & Vacancies Jan 18 Labour Market Stats - Integrat... Jan 18 Employment & Earnings Jan 18 Financial Stats Freestanding Jul 12 Financial Stats Consistent Jul 12
Mergers & Acquisitions Dec 6 Share Ownership Jan 27 Inv't by Ins Comps, Pens Funds... Mar 25 Ins Comps', Pens Funds' & Trus... Dec 21 Balance of Payments Quarterly Dec 22
Trade in Goods Industry BOP MQ... Dec 9 Trade in Goods MRETS (all BOP ... Jan 11 Monthly Digest of Stats Jul 28 Economic Trends Dec 16 Economic Trends Annual Supp Oct 10
Index of Distribution Feb 24 Pink Book Jul 30 Blue Book Jul 30 Cap Stocks Tables for Publication Jul 31 Retail Sales - Detailed Level Jan 20
Metal Working Machine Tools 0 MM17 - PINCCA Dec 29 Engineering Turnover & Orders ... Feb 17 Business Inv't Dec 22 Consumer Trends Dec 22
Consumer Credit Business Jul 1 Profitability of UK Comps Jan 4

  SubTable 8 of 13   EGU5_Claimant count1by age and duration   Monthly data  
unem_EGU Claimant count: UK Summ   unem_EGU Vacancies by   unem_EGU Claimant Count: GB summ   unem_EGU Claimant count rates1: Gov Office Regions   unem_EGU Claimant count1 by & duration   unem_EGU Vacancy inflows jobcentres   unem_EGU Vacancy placings jobcentres  
unem_EGU Vacancies by size of business   unem_EGU Vacancies   unem_EGU Claimant count levels: Gov Office Regions   unem_EGU Claimant count1by & duration   unem_EGU Unfilled vacancies jobcentres   unem_EGU Vacancy outflows jobcentres  
  EGU5 Claimant count1by age and duration. { total observations, n=36423 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ unem_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ unem (index ) | mirror unem ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Monthly Range     2007 jun     2007 jul     2007 aug     2007 sep     2007 oct     2007 nov     2007 dec     2008 jan     2008 feb     2008 mar     2008 apr     2008 may     2008 jun     2008 jul     2008 aug     2008 sep     2008 oct     2008 nov     2008 dec     2009 jan     2009 feb     2009 mar     2009 apr     2009 may     2009 jun     2009 jul     2009 aug     2009 sep     2009 oct     2009 nov     2009 dec     2010 jan     2010 feb     2010 mar     2010 apr     2010 may     2010 jun     2010 jul     2010 aug     2010 sep     2010 oct     2010 nov     2010 dec     2011 jan     2011 feb     2011 mar     2011 apr     2011 may     2011 jun     2011 jul     2011 aug     2011 sep     2011 oct     2011 nov     2011 dec  
1 BCJA 190. Total Claimant count NSA (UK) - thousands NSA { 2nd } 1353 obs 1785 obs 489 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 855.60 854.10 857.10 827.90 801 785.80 790.40 830.5 848.90 842.80 835.20 831.90 835.30 871.30 923.90 944.70 970.30 1056.1 1153.3 1282.6 1459.8 1523.5 1557.6 1565 1553.3 1573.1 1602.2 1591.1 1582.6 1569.4 1567 1654 1657 1614.9 1568.1 1502.2 1444.1 1441 1456 1439.6 1416.8 1413.3 1425.2 1505.1 1538.2 1526.9 1520.8 1504.9 1493.1 1541.8 1576.8 1578.6 1562.5 1558.8 1568.8
2 GEYV 191. UK claimant count; all computerised claims NSA - thousands NSA nominal 367 obs 221 obs 54 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 852.10 850.5 853.60 825.60 798.5 782.80 787.40 827.80 845.90 839.70 832.5 828.90 830.80 853.60 920.80 941.5 967.10 1053 1149.7 1278.9 1455.6 1518.5 1552.9 1560.1 1548.3 1567.9 1596.9 1585.7 1576.9 1563.2 1560.3 1647.1 1650.2 1607.9 1561.5 1496.2 1438.8 1436 1451 1434.8 1411.7 1408 1420.1 1499.1 1532.8 1521.8 1516 1500.2 1488.7 1537.4 1572.5 1574.6 1559 1555.2 1565.3
3 GEYW 192. UK computerised claims; all ages up to 6 months - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 367 obs 386 obs 95 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 547.80 558.80 565.90 551.5 541.70 538.60 549.10 581.60 605.70 599.20 589.30 584.5 589.20 565.90 676.20 695.60 723.10 804.10 887.90 989.60 1141.8 1175.5 1177 1136.5 1094.4 1101.6 1082.7 1056.4 1041.8 1027.4 1018.3 1068 1065.6 1013.8 957.80 901.40 862 889.30 911.30 912 918.80 935.60 959.20 1018.4 1051.4 1034.1 1014.1 980.20 960.10 983.10 985.30 966.5 935.20 930.70 929.5
4 GEYX 193. UK computerised claims; all ages claiming over 6 & up to 12 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 233 obs 57 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 158.30 149.5 149 140.40 128.20 121.20 120.5 128.80 128 131.80 137.40 140.5 139.90 149 144.60 145.70 143.60 147.40 157.80 180.80 200.40 225.60 254.5 294.20 317.80 322 356 358.70 351.80 334.80 326.70 342.5 336.5 338.40 341.20 329.30 312.60 284.40 277.90 262.90 240.70 229 225.20 247.5 253.60 265.40 284.5 302.70 312 327.80 349.40 358.30 358.90 345.90 342.10
5 GEYY 194. UK claimant count; all ages claiming over 12 months - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 429 obs 224 obs 54 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 145.90 142.20 138.60 133.70 128.5 122.90 117.80 117.40 112.20 108.80 105.70 103.80 101.80 138.60 100.10 100.20 100.40 101.5 103.90 108.60 113.40 117.40 121.40 129.5 136.10 144.30 158.20 170.60 183.30 201 215.40 236.60 248.20 255.80 262.5 265.40 264.30 262.20 261.80 259.80 252.20 243.30 235.70 233.20 227.80 222.30 217.40 217.30 216.60 226.5 237.70 249.80 264.90 278.60 293.80
6 ZWJW 195. UK claimant count; all ages % claiming over 12 months - NSA NSA nominal 378 obs 389 obs 95 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 17.10 16.70 16.20 16.20 16.10 15.70 15 14.20 13.30 13 12.70 12.5 12.20 16.20 10.90 10.60 10.40 9.600 9 8.5 7.800 7.700 7.800 8.300 8.800 9.200 9.900 10.80 11.60 12.90 13.80 14.40 15 15.90 16.80 17.70 18.40 18.30 18 18.10 17.90 17.30 16.60 15.60 14.90 14.60 14.30 14.5 14.5 14.70 15.10 15.90 17 17.90 18.80
7 GEYZ 196. UK computerised claimant count; all ages claiming over 24 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 559 obs 186 obs 46 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 43.60 43 42.60 41.70 40.40 38.5 36 34.90 32.10 30.30 29.10 27.90 26.60 42.60 25 24.5 24.10 23.5 23.10 23.20 23 22.70 22.5 22.70 22.80 23.10 23.80 24.5 25.60 27.70 29.60 33.10 35.70 38 40.10 43.10 45.70 48.10 51.20 53.5 55 55.30 55.70 57.70 57.60 57.30 57.60 59.10 60.30 62.5 65.10 67.70 71.60 74.40 77.70
8 GEZA 197. UK computerised claimant count; 18-24 yr olds - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 415 obs 233 obs 57 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 251.60 258.40 264 257.20 243 233.90 235.20 246.60 260.60 259.60 253 249.5 249.60 264 292.70 300.90 302.30 322.90 348 379.5 443.20 460.40 460.60 453.5 448.70 469 489.60 487.90 479.60 466.60 459.60 483.5 491.30 473.20 445.40 416.80 396.10 406.80 421.30 421.80 412.30 403.20 398.40 420 441 435.90 429 417.70 413.90 452.5 476.30 485.70 478.10 470.30 465.90
9 GEZB 198. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr olds claiming up to 6 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 98 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 202.40 212.80 218.20 215.10 206.70 201 203 210.80 224.80 221.20 213.20 209.20 210.40 218.20 252.90 262.10 266.10 287 309.80 333.10 390.5 397.70 389.90 372.60 363.40 386.70 392.70 388.80 383.30 372.40 363.70 373.5 378.90 355.80 326.40 304.20 292.90 316.80 334.30 341.5 342.90 339.5 336.80 350 368.90 356.90 342.10 326.30 321.70 349.90 360.90 364.20 353.90 345.40 336.80
10 GEZC 199. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr olds claiming >6 & up to 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 398 obs 231 obs 56 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 41.10 37.70 38.10 34.60 29.20 26.20 25.70 29.30 29.60 32.40 34 34.5 33.5 38.10 34 32.90 30.5 30.10 32.20 40.20 46.20 56.10 64 73.70 77.70 74 87.60 88.40 84 79 78.10 88 87.60 90.90 91.60 84.5 75.30 62.70 60.5 54.5 45.60 41.90 41.10 50.30 53.30 61.30 70.10 74.70 75.40 83.80 94.30 96.20 94 91 91.30
11 GEZD 200. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr olds claiming over 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 98 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 8.200 7.900 7.800 7.5 7.100 6.700 6.5 6.400 6.200 6.100 5.800 5.700 5.700 7.800 5.800 5.800 5.700 5.800 6 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.700 7.200 7.600 8.300 9.300 10.70 12.20 15.30 17.80 22 24.80 26.5 27.40 28.20 28 27.30 26.5 25.80 23.80 21.90 20.5 19.80 18.80 17.70 16.80 16.60 16.80 18.80 21.20 25.30 30.20 33.90 37.80
12 ZWJX 201. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr olds % claiming over 12 mths - NSA NSA nominal 391 obs 393 obs 96 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 3.200 3.100 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.700 2.600 2.400 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.900 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.8000 1.7000 1.6000 1.5 1.4000 1.5 1.6000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 2.200 2.5 3.300 3.900 4.5 5.100 5.600 6.100 6.800 7.100 6.700 6.300 6.100 5.800 5.400 5.100 4.700 4.300 4.100 3.900 4 4.100 4.100 4.400 5.200 6.300 7.200 8.100
13 GEZE 202. UK computerised claimant count; 18-24 yr olds claiming > 24 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 367 obs 386 obs 95 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.5 1.6000 1.6000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.7000 1.7000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 1.9000 2 2 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.300 2.400 2.600 2.800 3 3.400 3.900 4.200 4.400 4.600 4.800 4.900 5 5.100 5.200 5.200 5.100 5.100
14 DPAA 203. Claimant count NSA (UK) : Males - thousands NSA { 2nd } 1621 obs 1135 obs 277 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 624.10 617.70 614.20 593.30 577 569.80 580.40 610.10 622.80 618.70 611.70 610.10 610.70 632.40 666.70 684.20 708.30 783 865.20 958.60 1087.7 1134.5 1156.9 1160.6 1148.2 1151.5 1159.8 1149.4 1146 1143 1148.8 1213.4 1210.7 1174.2 1134 1081.8 1034.8 1018.9 1016.5 1001.9 987.90 986.5 1001.8 1050.7 1062.8 1048.7 1034.2 1020.4 1007.5 1027.2 1042.3 1041.6 1035.5 1039.9 1056.6
15 GEZG 204. UK claimant count; all computerised claims; men - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 367 obs 386 obs 95 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 621.60 615.20 611.80 591.70 575.30 567.80 578.40 608.5 620.80 616.60 609.80 608 607.60 611.80 664.60 682 706.20 780.80 862.60 955.90 1084.7 1130.9 1153.6 1157.1 1144.6 1147.7 1155.9 1145.5 1142 1138.6 1144 1208.5 1205.7 1169.2 1129.3 1077.5 1031.1 1015.2 1013 998.40 984.20 982.70 998.20 1046.5 1058.9 1045.1 1030.8 1017.2 1004.6 1024.3 1039.4 1038.9 1033.2 1037.5 1054.3
16 GEZH 205. UK computerised claims; men; all ages up to 6 months - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 415 obs 233 obs 57 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 388.40 392 392.30 382.40 379 380.80 395.80 420.10 437.30 433.5 424.70 421.80 422.70 392.30 477 493.10 518.40 588.5 660.30 732.60 841.70 865.5 861.80 825.5 787 781.20 753.30 732.20 725.40 722.90 724.30 762.30 758 718.20 673.30 629.10 596.60 603.60 608.90 609.5 619.80 634.5 659.5 696.20 710.20 694.60 671.5 646.30 628.80 634.80 631 618.30 604.20 607.80 617
17 GEZI 206. UK computerised claims; men of all ages claiming >6 & up to 12 mths -NSA- thous NSA nominal 415 obs 233 obs 57 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 118.20 111.40 110.70 104.60 95.80 90.80 90.40 96.5 95.70 98 102.5 105.20 105.5 110.70 109.5 110.90 109.5 112.80 120.80 138 153.60 172.80 195.90 229.20 249.70 252.10 276.80 277.70 270.20 254.40 246.30 255.70 247.90 245.90 246.90 238.60 226.40 206 201.10 189.20 171.70 162.90 159.60 173 176.20 183.5 197.60 209.60 215.40 223.40 235.20 239.40 237.30 228.70 226.10
18 GEZJ 207. UK claimant count; men of all ages claiming over 12 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 98 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 115 111.80 108.70 104.70 100.5 96.20 92.30 92 87.80 85.10 82.60 81 79.40 108.70 78 78 78.30 79.5 81.60 85.40 89.40 92.70 95.90 102.40 107.90 114.5 125.80 135.70 146.40 161.30 173.40 190.5 199.80 205.20 209.20 209.80 208 205.60 203 199.80 192.70 185.40 179.10 177.30 172.5 167 161.80 161.20 160.30 166.10 173.20 181.10 191.70 201 211.20
19 ZWJY 208. UK claimant count; men of all ages % claiming over 12 months - NSA NSA nominal 415 obs 233 obs 57 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 18.5 18.20 17.80 17.70 17.5 16.90 16 15.10 14.20 13.80 13.5 13.30 13.10 17.80 11.70 11.40 11.10 10.20 9.5 8.900 8.200 8.200 8.300 8.900 9.400 10 10.90 11.80 12.80 14.20 15.20 15.80 16.60 17.5 18.5 19.5 20.20 20.30 20 20 19.60 18.90 17.90 16.90 16.30 16 15.70 15.90 16 16.20 16.70 17.40 18.60 19.40 20
20 GEZK 209. UK computerised claims; men of all ages claiming over 24 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 391 obs 228 obs 55 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 35 34.5 34 33.20 32.10 30.60 28.5 27.70 25.5 24 23 22.10 20.90 34 19.60 19.20 18.80 18.30 18.10 18.10 17.90 17.70 17.5 17.60 17.80 17.90 18.5 19.10 20 21.80 23.40 26.20 28.30 30.30 32 34.5 36.60 38.60 41.10 43 44.30 44.70 45.10 46.80 46.70 46.30 46.20 47.10 47.90 49.5 51.10 52.80 55.40 57.40 59.90
21 GEZL 210. UK computerised claimant count; 18-24 yr old men - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 367 obs 386 obs 95 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 170.10 172.10 173.70 168.5 160.40 155.90 160.5 168.40 177.80 177.60 173.10 170.90 170.10 173.70 195.20 201.40 204.80 224 246.20 268.20 312.40 325.5 325.90 321.30 315.70 323.10 333.10 331.90 328.60 323.60 322.70 339.30 343.80 330.5 310.60 290.30 273.80 274.90 281.80 281.70 276.70 273 273.60 287.70 300.40 296.70 291.30 283.40 279.60 299.60 312.5 318.20 315.40 313.30 313.90
22 GEZM 211. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr old men claiming up to 6 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 367 obs 221 obs 54 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 136.40 141.10 142.70 140.20 135.90 133.60 138.60 144.20 153.70 151.90 146.40 143.80 143.5 142.70 167.90 174.70 179.70 198.90 219.5 236 275.5 281.40 275.80 263 253.30 263.10 263.40 260.90 259.60 255.80 254 260.90 263.60 247.40 226.5 210.30 200.30 210.80 220 224.80 227.30 227.5 229.80 238.40 249.80 241.90 231.5 220.5 215.90 228.80 233.10 234.70 229.90 227.10 224.90
23 GEZN 212. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr old men claiming >6 & up to 12 mths -NSA- thous NSA nominal 559 obs 285 obs 70 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 28 25.60 25.60 23.20 19.60 17.60 17.40 19.80 19.90 21.60 22.80 23.30 22.80 25.60 23.40 22.80 21.30 21.10 22.60 27.90 32.40 39.5 45.40 53.40 57 54.10 63.20 63.5 60.5 56.80 55.80 62.40 62.10 63.80 64.20 59.40 53 44.20 42.40 38.10 32 29.40 28.80 34.80 36.80 41.80 47.5 50.80 51.60 57.40 64.20 65.70 64.40 62.40 62.40
24 GEZO 213. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr old men claiming over 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 98 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 5.700 5.5 5.300 5.100 4.900 4.600 4.400 4.400 4.200 4.100 3.900 3.900 3.800 5.300 3.900 3.900 3.800 3.900 4.100 4.300 4.5 4.600 4.700 5 5.400 5.900 6.600 7.5 8.600 11 12.90 16 18.10 19.30 20 20.60 20.40 19.90 19.30 18.80 17.40 16 15.10 14.60 13.80 13 12.30 12.10 12.20 13.40 15.10 17.90 21.20 23.80 26.60
25 ZWJZ 214. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr old men % claiming over 12 mths - NSA NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 98 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 3.300 3.200 3.100 3 3 3 2.800 2.600 2.400 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.200 3.100 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.7000 1.7000 1.6000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.6000 1.7000 1.8000 2 2.300 2.600 3.400 4 4.700 5.300 5.800 6.400 7.100 7.5 7.200 6.900 6.700 6.300 5.900 5.5 5.100 4.600 4.400 4.200 4.300 4.400 4.5 4.800 5.600 6.700 7.600 8.5
26 GEZP 215. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr old men claiming > 24 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 436 obs 392 obs 96 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 1.1000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1 1 1.2000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6000 1.8000 1.9000 2.100 2.400 2.800 3.100 3.200 3.300 3.5 3.600 3.700 3.800 3.900 3.900 3.800 3.800
27 DPAB 216. Claimant count NSA (UK) : Females - thousands NSA { 2nd } 1606 obs 1467 obs 326 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 231.60 236.5 242.90 234.60 224 215.90 210 220.40 226.10 224.20 223.5 221.80 224.60 238.90 257.20 260.5 262 273.20 288.20 324 372.10 389 400.70 404.40 405 421.70 442.40 441.70 436.60 426.40 418.20 440.60 446.40 440.60 434.10 420.30 409.30 422.20 439.5 437.70 428.90 426.80 423.30 454.30 475.40 478.30 486.60 484.5 485.5 514.60 534.5 537.10 527 518.90 512.20
28 GEZR 217. UK claimant count; all computerised claims; women - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 98 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 230.5 235.30 241.80 233.90 223.20 215 209 219.30 225.10 223.10 222.70 220.90 223.20 241.80 256.20 259.5 261 272.20 287.10 322.90 370.90 387.60 399.30 403 403.70 420.20 441 440.20 434.90 424.60 416.30 438.60 444.5 438.70 432.20 418.70 407.70 420.80 438.10 436.30 427.40 425.20 421.90 452.70 473.80 476.80 485.20 483 484.10 513.20 533.10 535.80 525.80 517.60 511
29 GEZS 218. UK computerised claims; women; all ages up to 6 months - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 98 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 159.40 166.80 173.60 169 162.70 157.80 153.40 161.5 168.40 165.60 164.60 162.80 166.5 173.60 199.10 202.5 204.70 215.70 227.70 257 300 310.10 315.20 311 307.30 320.5 329.30 324.20 316.30 304.40 294 305.70 307.5 295.60 284.5 272.30 265.30 285.70 302.40 302.60 299 301.10 299.70 322.30 341.20 339.60 342.60 333.90 331.20 348.30 354.30 348.20 331 322.90 312.40
30 GEZT 219. UK computerised claims; women all ages claiming >6 & up to 12 mths -NSA- thous NSA nominal 386 obs 470 obs 96 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 40.10 38.10 38.30 35.90 32.40 30.40 30.10 32.40 32.40 33.80 34.90 35.30 34.40 38.30 35 34.80 34.10 34.5 37 42.80 46.90 52.80 58.60 65 68.10 69.90 79.20 81.10 81.60 80.40 80.30 86.80 88.5 92.5 94.30 90.70 86.20 78.5 76.90 73.80 69 66.20 65.5 74.5 77.30 81.80 86.90 93.10 96.60 104.40 114.20 118.80 121.70 117.10 116
31 GEZU 220. UK claimant count; women of all ages claiming over 12 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 559 obs 359 obs 70 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 30.90 30.40 29.90 29 28 26.70 25.60 25.40 24.30 23.70 23.10 22.80 22.40 29.90 22.10 22.20 22.10 22 22.40 23.20 24 24.70 25.5 27 28.20 29.80 32.5 34.90 37 39.70 41.90 46.10 48.40 50.60 53.40 55.60 56.20 56.60 58.80 60 59.5 58 56.60 55.90 55.30 55.30 55.60 56.10 56.30 60.40 64.5 68.70 73.10 77.60 82.60
32 ZWKA 221. UK claimant count; women of all ages % claiming over 12 months - NSA NSA nominal 415 obs 531 obs 112 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 13.40 12.90 12.40 12.40 12.60 12.40 12.20 11.60 10.80 10.60 10.40 10.30 10 12.40 8.600 8.5 8.5 8.100 7.800 7.200 6.5 6.400 6.400 6.700 7 7.100 7.400 7.900 8.5 9.400 10.10 10.5 10.90 11.5 12.40 13.30 13.80 13.5 13.40 13.70 13.90 13.60 13.40 12.30 11.70 11.60 11.5 11.60 11.60 11.80 12.10 12.80 13.90 15 16.20
33 GEZV 222. UK computerised claims; women of all ages claiming over 24 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 283 obs 57 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 8.600 8.600 8.5 8.400 8.300 7.900 7.400 7.200 6.600 6.300 6 5.800 5.600 8.5 5.400 5.300 5.300 5.200 5.100 5.100 5.100 5 5 5.100 5.100 5.100 5.300 5.400 5.600 5.900 6.300 6.900 7.300 7.700 8.100 8.700 9.100 9.5 10 10.5 10.70 10.60 10.60 10.90 10.90 11 11.40 12 12.40 13 14 14.90 16.20 16.90 17.80
34 GEZW 223. UK computerised claimant count; 18-24 yr old women - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 559 obs 331 obs 70 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 81.5 86.20 90.30 88.60 82.60 78 74.80 78.10 82.70 82 80 78.5 79.5 90.30 97.5 99.5 97.5 99 101.90 111.30 130.80 135 134.70 132.20 133 145.90 156.5 156 150.90 143 136.80 144.20 147.5 142.70 134.80 126.60 122.30 131.90 139.5 140.10 135.60 130.30 124.80 132.30 140.60 139.10 137.60 134.30 134.30 152.90 163.90 167.5 162.70 157 151.90
35 GEZX 224. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr old women claiming up to 6 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 447 obs 98 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 66 71.70 75.5 74.90 70.80 67.40 64.40 66.60 71.10 69.30 66.80 65.40 67 75.5 85 87.5 86.40 88.10 90.30 97.10 115 116.30 114.10 109.60 110.10 123.60 129.30 128 123.80 116.60 109.70 112.70 115.30 108.40 100 93.90 92.60 106 114.20 116.70 115.60 112 107 111.60 119.10 115 110.60 105.80 105.80 121.20 127.70 129.5 124 118.30 111.90
36 GEZY 225. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr old women claiming >6 & up to 12 mths NSA thous NSA nominal 415 obs 233 obs 57 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 13 12.10 12.40 11.40 9.5 8.600 8.300 9.5 9.700 10.80 11.20 11.20 10.70 12.40 10.60 10.10 9.300 9 9.600 12.30 13.80 16.60 18.60 20.40 20.70 19.80 24.5 24.80 23.60 22.20 22.30 25.60 25.5 27.10 27.40 25.10 22.20 18.40 18.10 16.40 13.60 12.5 12.30 15.5 16.5 19.40 22.60 23.90 23.80 26.40 30.10 30.5 29.70 28.60 28.90
37 GEZZ 226. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr old women claiming over 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 559 obs 285 obs 70 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 2.5 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.300 2.100 2 2 2 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 2.400 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 2 2 2 2.200 2.200 2.5 2.700 3.200 3.600 4.300 4.900 6 6.700 7.200 7.400 7.5 7.5 7.400 7.200 7 6.400 5.800 5.400 5.200 5 4.700 4.5 4.5 4.600 5.300 6 7.400 9 10.10 11.10
38 ZWKB 227. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr old women % claiming over 12 mths - NSA NSA nominal 320 obs 370 obs 91 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 3 2.800 2.700 2.700 2.700 2.700 2.700 2.600 2.400 2.400 2.300 2.400 2.300 2.700 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 1.7000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6000 1.7000 1.7000 1.8000 2 2.400 3 3.600 4.100 4.600 5 5.5 6 6.100 5.600 5.200 5 4.800 4.5 4.300 4 3.5 3.400 3.300 3.400 3.400 3.5 3.700 4.400 5.600 6.400 7.300
39 GEYU 228. UK computerised claims; 18-24 yr old women claiming > 24 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 512 obs 269 obs 66 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 0.9000 1 1.1000 1.2000 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.4000 1.3000 1.3000
40 GEZF 229. UK computerised claimant count; 25-49 yr olds - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 368 obs 217 obs 68 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 451.40 446.10 445.40 431.10 420.90 416.70 421.5 444.10 449 445.30 444.60 445 447.20 461.40 485 495.80 513.40 563.30 619 692.5 781.5 816.90 842.20 853.80 849.20 850.5 858.20 853 852 850.70 854.5 904 902.30 884.30 869.90 842.20 813.60 804.70 805.70 793.30 780.30 783.60 796.90 843.20 854.80 851.20 851 847.90 841.30 849.40 857.30 851.60 843.30 845 854.10
41 GEZQ 230. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr olds claiming up to 6 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 356 obs 378 obs 108 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 269.20 271 273.10 265.30 263.20 264.5 270.80 289 296.20 293.10 290.80 289.70 292.30 308.60 328.20 337.5 355.10 401.40 449 507.70 582.30 602.70 608.80 591 566.30 556.10 537.60 522.30 515.40 511.90 512 543.40 538.70 517 496.5 470.5 448.30 452.80 456.5 451.80 454.30 469.10 489.90 527 539.60 536.10 531.20 517.5 505 500.20 491.90 474.5 457.5 459.90 464.30
42 IACM 231. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr olds claiming >6 & up to 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 113 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 92.10 87.70 87.30 83.40 78.10 75.10 75.30 79.30 78.90 79.70 82.80 84.80 85 83.60 87.10 88.20 87.70 90.30 96.30 108 119 131.40 147.80 171.80 187.60 193.30 209.70 211.30 208.80 199.5 194.10 199 195 194.10 195.90 192.80 187.20 174.70 171.80 164.90 154 147.5 144.90 155.5 157.80 160.90 168.60 179.30 186.30 193 202.80 208.60 210.10 201.90 198.5
43 IACP 232. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr olds claiming over 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 113 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 90.10 87.40 85.10 82.30 79.60 77.10 75.30 75.80 73.90 72.5 71.10 70.40 69.80 69.20 69.70 70.10 70.5 71.60 73.60 76.80 80.20 82.80 85.60 91 95.40 101 110.90 119.40 127.90 139.20 148.5 161.70 168.60 173.20 177.5 179 178.20 177.10 177.40 176.60 172 167 162.10 160.70 157.40 154.30 151.20 151.10 150.10 156.20 162.60 168.60 175.70 183.20 191.30
44 ZWKC 233. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr olds % claiming over 12 mths - NSA NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 113 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 20 19.60 19.10 19.10 18.90 18.5 17.90 17.10 16.5 16.30 16 15.80 15.60 15 14.40 14.10 13.70 12.70 11.90 11.10 10.30 10.10 10.20 10.70 11.20 11.90 12.90 14 15 16.40 17.40 17.90 18.70 19.60 20.40 21.30 21.90 22 22 22.30 22 21.30 20.30 19.10 18.40 18.10 17.80 17.80 17.80 18.40 19 19.80 20.80 21.70 22.40
45 IACS 234. UK computerised claimant count; 25-49 yr olds claiming > 24 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 559 obs 450 obs 126 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 17.90 17.5 17.20 16.90 16.60 16.20 15.90 15.90 15.5 15.10 14.90 14.60 14.20 14 13.80 13.80 13.70 13.60 13.60 13.70 13.70 13.70 13.70 13.90 14.20 14.5 15 15.60 16.40 18.10 19.60 22.10 23.90 25.5 27 29.10 30.80 32.5 34.60 36.10 36.90 37 37.10 38.20 38.10 37.70 37.70 38.60 39.5 41 42.80 44.60 47.30 49.40 51.60
46 IACV 235. UK computerised claimant count; 50 yrs+ - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 415 obs 233 obs 72 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 139.60 137.30 136 129.90 127.20 124.90 122.70 129.30 127.80 126 126.5 126.70 126.90 130.40 136.60 139.20 145.80 160.80 175.40 199.5 222.30 232 241 244 241.90 240.5 241.40 238.30 239.10 239.5 238.90 252.60 249.60 243.5 239.70 231.10 223.60 219.40 219.10 215.30 215 216.80 219.80 231.20 231.60 229.20 230.60 229.40 228.40 230.60 234.10 233.20 233.70 236 240.70
47 IACY 236. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr olds claiming up to 6 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 398 obs 113 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 67.80 67.30 67.60 64.5 65.20 66.5 67.80 74.40 76.60 76.5 77.5 78.30 79.80 83.80 89.10 90.80 96.80 110.20 122.30 141.90 160.80 166.40 169.70 164.70 157 151.40 145.5 139.5 137.5 137.40 135.90 144.70 141.40 134.5 128.90 121.20 115.80 114.90 116.10 114.80 117.90 123.10 127.80 137.10 137.80 135.80 135.60 131.5 128.80 128.5 128.30 124.10 120.30 121.80 124
48 IADB 237. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr olds claiming >6 & up to 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 559 obs 450 obs 126 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 24.20 23.20 22.70 21.5 20.30 19.40 18.90 19.80 19.20 19.40 20.30 20.80 20.90 21.30 22.90 24.10 24.90 26.5 28.90 32.10 34.80 37.70 42.30 48.10 51.90 54.20 58 58.30 58.40 55.70 53.90 55.10 53.5 53 53.20 51.70 49.60 46.60 45.20 43.10 40.80 39.30 38.90 41.5 42.20 43 45.5 48.30 49.90 50.60 51.90 53.10 54.5 52.70 52
49 IADE 238. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr olds claiming over 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 559 obs 285 obs 85 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 47.60 46.80 45.70 43.90 41.70 39 36 35.10 32 30.10 28.70 27.60 26.20 25.30 24.60 24.30 24.10 24.10 24.30 25.5 26.70 27.90 29 31.20 33.10 34.90 38 40.5 43.20 46.5 49 52.90 54.70 56 57.60 58.20 58.10 57.80 57.90 57.40 56.30 54.40 53.10 52.70 51.60 50.30 49.5 49.5 49.60 51.60 53.90 56 58.90 61.5 64.70
50 ZWKD 239. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr olds % claiming over 12 mths - NSA NSA nominal 367 obs 221 obs 69 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 34.10 34.10 33.60 33.80 32.80 31.30 29.30 27.10 25 23.90 22.70 21.80 20.70 19.40 18 17.40 16.60 15 13.80 12.80 12 12 12 12.80 13.70 14.5 15.70 17 18.10 19.40 20.5 20.90 21.90 23 24 25.20 26 26.30 26.40 26.60 26.20 25.10 24.20 22.80 22.30 22 21.5 21.60 21.70 22.40 23 24 25.20 26.10 26.90
51 IADH 240. UK computerised claimant count; 50+ yr olds claiming > 24 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 367 obs 221 obs 69 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 24 23.90 23.70 23.10 22.10 20.60 18.5 17.5 15 13.60 12.70 11.80 10.90 10.20 9.600 9.200 8.900 8.400 8 7.900 7.700 7.400 7.200 7.100 7 6.900 7 7.100 7.400 7.700 8.200 9 9.800 10.40 11.10 11.90 12.70 13.40 14.20 14.80 15.30 15.20 15.20 15.5 15.30 15.20 15.30 15.70 15.90 16.5 17.20 17.90 19.10 19.90 21
52 IACI 241. UK computerised claimant count; 25-49 yr old men - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 399 obs 396 obs 112 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 347.60 341.70 338.70 328.40 321.70 320.20 326.90 344.40 348.10 345.5 343.80 344.10 344.80 354.5 370.90 380.30 395.80 438.70 485.70 540 607.40 632.90 649 654.90 649.80 647 646.10 639.70 638.70 639.5 645.20 683.5 679 661 644.80 620.5 597 584.30 577.30 566.10 557.30 558.10 569.60 596.5 596.80 588.60 580.90 576.60 569.70 569.60 571 565.70 562.20 566.30 577.90
53 IACK 242. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr old men claiming up to 6 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 547 obs 228 obs 70 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 202.40 202.40 201.80 196.60 196.5 199.30 207.10 221.10 226.80 224.70 221.60 220.80 221.5 232.80 245.90 254 269.40 309.10 349.40 391.70 447.10 460.30 460.40 441.20 418.80 407.5 385.5 371.80 367.60 368.30 371.40 396.5 392.20 374 355 333 315.30 313.30 310.10 306.90 312.20 322.60 340.60 362.60 365.20 358.90 348.30 337.80 328 322.60 315.80 304.70 297.5 302 310.5
54 IACN 243. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr old men claiming >6 & up to 12 mths -NSA- thous NSA nominal 559 obs 285 obs 85 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 72.60 68.90 68.60 65.70 61.5 59.20 59.40 62.60 62.10 62.70 65.30 67 67.5 66.40 69.30 70.30 70 72.20 77.10 86.5 95.60 105.70 119.40 139.90 153.5 157.30 170.10 170.40 166.30 156.40 150.90 153.10 147.20 144.10 144.70 142.5 138.10 128.80 126.80 120.90 111.40 106.30 104 109.70 110.60 112.30 118.70 125.5 129.40 131.30 135.60 137.80 136.30 130.90 129
55 IACQ 244. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr old men claiming over 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 367 obs 386 obs 110 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 72.60 70.40 68.30 66 63.80 61.70 60.40 60.80 59.30 58.10 56.90 56.40 55.80 55.30 55.70 56 56.40 57.40 59.20 61.80 64.70 66.90 69.10 73.80 77.5 82.20 90.40 97.5 104.90 114.90 122.90 133.90 139.60 142.90 145.10 144.90 143.60 142.10 140.40 138.30 133.70 129.30 125.10 124.20 121 117.5 113.80 113.40 112.30 115.70 119.60 123.30 128.5 133.30 138.40
56 ZWKE 245. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr old men % claiming over 12 mths - NSA NSA nominal 367 obs 386 obs 124 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 20.90 20.60 20.20 20.10 19.80 19.30 18.5 17.70 17 16.80 16.60 16.40 16.20 15.60 15 14.70 14.20 13.10 12.20 11.5 10.60 10.60 10.70 11.30 11.90 12.70 14 15.20 16.40 18 19 19.60 20.60 21.60 22.5 23.40 24.10 24.30 24.30 24.40 24 23.20 22 20.80 20.30 20 19.60 19.70 19.70 20.30 20.90 21.80 22.90 23.5 23.90
57 IACT 246. UK computerised claimant count; 25-49 yr old men claiming > 24 mths -NSA- thous NSA nominal 559 obs 506 obs 140 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 14.70 14.30 14.10 13.80 13.5 13.20 12.90 12.90 12.60 12.20 12 11.70 11.40 11.20 11 11 10.90 10.80 10.80 10.90 10.90 10.80 10.80 11 11.20 11.40 11.90 12.40 13.10 14.5 15.70 17.80 19.40 20.80 22 23.80 25.20 26.70 28.40 29.70 30.5 30.70 30.80 31.80 31.70 31.30 31 31.5 32.10 33.20 34.30 35.5 37.20 38.70 40.40
58 IACW 247. UK computerised claimant count; 50 yrs+ men - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 436 obs 392 obs 125 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 99 96.90 95.30 91.10 89.60 88.20 86.90 91.60 90.5 89 88.70 89 89.10 91.30 95.10 97.40 102.60 114.80 126.80 143.60 160.10 167.5 173.70 176 174.5 173.20 172.5 170.30 171.20 172 172 181.80 179 173.90 170.30 163.5 157.30 153.30 151.30 148.40 148 149.40 152.30 159.70 158.80 156.60 155.70 154.30 152.60 152.60 153.5 152.80 153.60 155.90 160
59 IACZ 248. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr old men claiming up to 6 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 367 obs 122 obs 45 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 45.30 44.60 44.30 42.40 43.40 44.70 46.30 51.10 52.70 52.60 52.70 53.5 54.40 57.10 60.20 61.70 66.5 77.40 87.5 101 114.5 118.90 120.80 116.80 110.70 106.5 100.70 96.30 95.30 95.70 95.20 101.40 98.60 93.20 88.5 82.80 78.5 77 76.5 75.80 78.30 82.30 86.60 92.80 92.40 90.80 88.90 85.5 82.60 81.10 79.90 76.90 75.10 76.80 79.30
60 IADC 249. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr old men claiming >6 & up to 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 383 obs 225 obs 69 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 17.20 16.40 15.90 15.20 14.30 13.70 13.30 13.90 13.5 13.5 14.30 14.70 14.90 15.30 16.5 17.5 18.10 19.30 20.90 23.30 25.30 27.40 30.90 35.60 38.80 40.30 43.10 43.30 43.10 40.80 39.30 39.90 38.40 37.80 37.80 36.5 34.90 32.70 31.5 29.90 28.10 27.10 26.70 28.40 28.80 29.30 31.20 33.10 34.20 34.5 35.10 35.80 36.5 35.20 34.5
61 IADF 250. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr old men claiming over 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 233 obs 72 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 36.60 35.90 35 33.5 31.80 29.80 27.40 26.70 24.30 22.80 21.70 20.80 19.80 19 18.40 18.20 18 18.10 18.30 19.30 20.20 21.20 22 23.60 25 26.40 28.70 30.70 32.80 35.40 37.5 40.60 42 43 44.10 44.20 43.90 43.5 43.20 42.70 41.60 40.10 39 38.5 37.60 36.5 35.70 35.70 35.80 37 38.5 40 42 43.90 46.10
62 ZWKF 251. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr old % men claiming over 12 mths - NSA NSA nominal 559 obs 285 obs 85 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 36.90 37.10 36.80 36.80 35.5 33.80 31.5 29.10 26.90 25.60 24.5 23.30 22.20 20.80 19.40 18.70 17.60 15.80 14.40 13.40 12.60 12.60 12.70 13.40 14.30 15.20 16.70 18 19.20 20.60 21.80 22.30 23.5 24.70 25.90 27 27.90 28.40 28.60 28.80 28.10 26.80 25.60 24.10 23.70 23.30 22.90 23.10 23.40 24.20 25.10 26.20 27.40 28.10 28.80
63 IADI 252. UK computerised claimant count; 50+ yr old men claiming > 24 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 559 obs 506 obs 140 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 19.10 19 18.80 18.30 17.5 16.30 14.60 13.70 11.90 10.70 10 9.300 8.600 8 7.5 7.200 6.900 6.600 6.300 6.200 6 5.800 5.600 5.5 5.400 5.400 5.400 5.5 5.700 6 6.300 7 7.600 8.100 8.600 9.200 9.900 10.40 11.10 11.5 11.90 11.90 11.90 12.10 12 11.80 11.80 12 12.20 12.60 13 13.5 14.30 14.90 15.70
64 IACJ 253. UK computerised claimant count; 25-49 yr old women - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 512 obs 434 obs 122 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 103.80 104.40 106.70 102.80 99.20 96.5 94.5 99.60 100.80 99.80 100.90 100.80 102.40 106.90 114 115.5 117.60 124.60 133.30 152.5 174.10 184 193.20 199 199.5 203.40 212.10 213.30 213.30 211.10 209.30 220.5 223.30 223.30 225.10 221.70 216.60 220.30 228.30 227.20 222.90 225.5 227.20 246.70 258 262.60 270.10 271.30 271.60 279.80 286.30 285.90 281.10 278.70 276.20
65 IACL 254. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr old women claiming up to 6 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 340 obs 376 obs 106 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 66.80 68.5 71.30 68.70 66.70 65.30 63.70 67.90 69.40 68.40 69.20 69 70.80 75.80 82.30 83.5 85.70 92.30 99.60 116 135.20 142.40 148.40 149.80 147.5 148.60 152.10 150.5 147.80 143.60 140.5 146.80 146.5 142.90 141.5 137.40 133 139.5 146.40 144.90 142.10 146.5 149.30 164.40 174.40 177.20 182.90 179.80 177 177.60 176.10 169.80 160.10 157.90 153.80
66 IACO 255. UK computrised claims; 25-49 yr old women claiming >6 & up to 12 mths-NSA-(000s) NSA nominal 559 obs 450 obs 133 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 19.60 18.80 18.70 17.80 16.60 15.80 15.90 16.80 16.90 17 17.5 17.80 17.60 17.20 17.80 17.90 17.80 18.10 19.20 21.5 23.40 25.70 28.40 31.90 34.10 36 39.5 41 42.5 43.20 43.20 45.90 47.80 50 51.30 50.20 49 45.90 45 44 42.60 41.30 40.90 45.80 47.30 48.60 49.90 53.90 56.80 61.70 67.10 70.80 73.80 71 69.5
67 IACR 256. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr old women claiming over 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 415 obs 299 obs 96 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 17.40 17 16.70 16.30 15.90 15.40 14.90 15 14.60 14.40 14.20 14.10 14 13.80 14 14.10 14.20 14.10 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.40 17.20 17.90 18.80 20.5 21.90 23 24.30 25.5 27.80 28.90 30.30 32.40 34 34.5 35 37 38.30 38.30 37.70 37 36.5 36.40 36.80 37.30 37.70 37.80 40.5 43.10 45.30 47.20 49.90 52.90
68 ZWKG 257. UK computerised claims; 25-49 yr old % women claiming over 12 mths - NSA NSA nominal 415 obs 299 obs 96 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 16.80 16.30 15.70 15.90 16 15.90 15.70 15 14.40 14.40 14.10 14 13.70 13 12.30 12.20 12 11.40 10.90 9.800 8.900 8.700 8.5 8.700 9 9.300 9.700 10.30 10.80 11.5 12.20 12.60 13 13.60 14.40 15.30 15.90 15.90 16.20 16.90 17.20 16.70 16.30 14.80 14.10 14 13.80 13.90 13.90 14.5 15 15.80 16.80 17.90 19.20
69 IACU 258. UK computerised claimant count; 25-49 yr old women claiming >24 mths -NSA- thous NSA nominal 559 obs 285 obs 92 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 3.200 3.200 3.200 3.200 3.100 3.100 3 3 3 2.900 2.900 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 3 3 3.100 3.300 3.300 3.600 3.800 4.200 4.5 4.700 5 5.300 5.600 5.800 6.100 6.300 6.400 6.300 6.300 6.400 6.400 6.400 6.700 7.100 7.400 7.800 8.5 9.200 10.10 10.60 11.30
70 IACX 259. UK computerised claimant count; 50 yrs+ women - NSA - thousands NSA nominal 415 obs 233 obs 79 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 40.5 40.30 40.60 38.80 37.60 36.70 35.70 37.60 37.30 37 37.80 37.70 37.90 39.10 41.5 41.80 43.20 46 48.70 55.90 62.20 64.5 67.40 68 67.40 67.30 69 68 67.90 67.60 66.90 70.80 70.5 69.60 69.40 67.60 66.20 66.10 67.90 66.90 67 67.40 67.60 71.5 72.80 72.5 74.90 75 75.80 78.10 80.60 80.40 80.10 80.10 80.70
71 IADA 260. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr old women claiming up to 6 months - NSA - thous NSA nominal 559 obs 285 obs 92 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 22.5 22.70 23.20 22.20 21.80 21.80 21.5 23.30 23.90 23.90 24.70 24.80 25.40 26.80 28.90 29.10 30.30 32.80 34.70 40.90 46.20 47.5 48.80 47.90 46.30 44.90 44.80 43.20 42.20 41.70 40.70 43.30 42.70 41.30 40.40 38.40 37.40 37.90 39.60 39 39.60 40.80 41.20 44.30 45.40 45 46.70 46 46.20 47.40 48.5 47.20 45.20 45 44.70
72 IADD 261. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr old women claiming >6 & up to 12 mths -NSA- thous NSA nominal 559 obs 450 obs 133 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 7 6.800 6.700 6.300 6 5.700 5.600 5.900 5.700 5.800 6 6.100 5.900 6 6.400 6.600 6.800 7.200 7.900 8.800 9.5 10.30 11.5 12.5 13.10 13.90 14.90 15 15.20 14.90 14.60 15.20 15.10 15.20 15.5 15.20 14.70 14 13.60 13.20 12.70 12.30 12.20 13.10 13.40 13.70 14.30 15.20 15.70 16.10 16.80 17.30 18 17.5 17.40
73 IADG 262. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr old women claiming over 12 mths - NSA - thous NSA nominal 559 obs 450 obs 133 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 11 10.90 10.70 10.30 9.900 9.200 8.600 8.400 7.700 7.300 7 6.800 6.5 6.300 6.200 6.100 6.100 6 6 6.200 6.5 6.700 7 7.600 8.100 8.5 9.200 9.800 10.40 11 11.5 12.30 12.70 13.10 13.5 14 14.20 14.20 14.60 14.70 14.70 14.40 14.20 14.10 14 13.80 13.80 13.80 13.90 14.60 15.40 16 16.90 17.60 18.5
74 ZWKH 263. UK computerised claims; 50+ yr old % women claiming over 12 mths - NSA NSA nominal 387 obs 392 obs 117 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 27.10 26.90 26.30 26.60 26.30 25.20 24 22.30 20.60 19.80 18.60 18 17.10 16.20 14.90 14.60 14.10 13 12.30 11.10 10.5 10.40 10.5 11.20 12 12.60 13.40 14.40 15.30 16.30 17.20 17.40 18.10 18.80 19.5 20.70 21.40 21.5 21.60 22 21.90 21.30 21 19.70 19.20 19.10 18.40 18.40 18.30 18.70 19 19.90 21.10 22 23
75 IADJ 264. UK computerised claimant count; 50+ yr old women claiming > 24 mths -NSA- thous NSA nominal 559 obs 450 obs 133 obs 0 to 2011 Dec 5 5 4.900 4.800 4.700 4.300 4 3.800 3.200 2.900 2.700 2.5 2.300 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.7000 1.7000 1.7000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.7000 1.7000 1.8000 2 2.200 2.300 2.5 2.700 2.800 3 3.200 3.300 3.400 3.400 3.300 3.400 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600 3.800 3.900 4.200 4.400 4.800 5 5.300
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
36423 obs 28630 obs 7590 obs