E C O N S T A T S TM  
  UK Statistics
pb_Pink Book
pb Pink Book
10.1_International Investment Position: by type of investment_page_2
      UK Office of National Statistics (ONS)
      HM Treasury - Weekly economic indicators
      HM Treasury - pocket databank (xls)
Commonly-used UK Stats Prelim Estimate Of GDP Jan 25 GDP Month 2 May 25 Gross Domestic Product (O) Aug 26 Motor Vehicle Prod Mar 2
UK Economic Accounts Dec 22 Detailed Index of Prod Dataset Jan 12 Productivity Dec 23 Public Sector Finances, Jan 24 Public Sector Accounts, Jun 30
Public Sector Trans: Calendar ... Jun 30 Public Sector Employment Stats Dec 14 PPI Aggregate Level Jan 13 Producer Prices - MM22 Jan 24 Consumer Price Indices Aug 16
Claimant Count & Vacancies Jan 18 Labour Market Stats - Integrat... Jan 18 Employment & Earnings Jan 18 Financial Stats Freestanding Jul 12 Financial Stats Consistent Jul 12
Mergers & Acquisitions Dec 6 Share Ownership Jan 27 Inv't by Ins Comps, Pens Funds... Mar 25 Ins Comps', Pens Funds' & Trus... Dec 21 Balance of Payments Quarterly Dec 22
Trade in Goods Industry BOP MQ... Dec 9 Trade in Goods MRETS (all BOP ... Jan 11 Monthly Digest of Stats Jul 28 Economic Trends Dec 16 Economic Trends Annual Supp Oct 10
Index of Distribution Feb 24 Pink Book Jul 30 Blue Book Jul 30 Cap Stocks Tables for Publication Jul 31 Retail Sales - Detailed Level Jan 20
Metal Working Machine Tools 0 MM17 - PINCCA Dec 29 Engineering Turnover & Orders ... Feb 17 Business Inv't Dec 22 Consumer Trends Dec 22
Consumer Credit Business Jul 1 Profitability of UK Comps Jan 4

  SubTable 6 of 104   10.1_International Investment Position: by type of investment_page_2   Yearly data  
pb_1.1__ Summ of bal of pymts   pb_3.2__ Transportation   pb_4.8__ Earnings on other invst   pb_8.3__ Direct invst1   pb_9.9__ UK official trans w instns of EU  
pb_1.1R_ Summ of bal of pymts   pb_3.3__ Travel   pb_5.1__ Curr transfers   pb_8.4__ Direct invst1   pb_A____ Summ of bal of pymts in 2009 {2 pages}  
pb_1.2__ Curr acct   pb_3.4__ Communications services1   pb_6.1__ Cap acct   pb_8.5__ Portfolio invst   pb_FD___ Finl derivatives1  
pb_1.3__ Summ of intl invst position, finl acct   pb_3.5__ Insurance services1   pb_7.1__ Finl Acct   pb_8.6__ Portfolio invst  
pb_10.1_ Intl Invst Positn: by type of invst {4 pages}   pb_3.6__ Finl services1   pb_7.2__ Finl Acct   pb_8.7__ Other invst  
pb_10.2_ Geogr breakdown of Intl Invst Positn: UK assets {2 pages}   pb_3.7__ Computer & information services1   pb_7.3__ Direct invst1   pb_8.8__ Other invst  
pb_10.3_ Geogr breakdown of Intl Invst Positn: UK liabilities {2 pages}   pb_3.8__ Royalties & license fees<1, 2>   pb_7.4__ Direct invst1   pb_8.9__ Reserve assets  
pb_10.4_ Geogr breakdown of Intl Invst Positn: Net {2 pages}   pb_3.9__ Other business services1   pb_7.5__ Portfolio invst   pb_9.1__ Curr acct_p1 {17 pages}  
pb_2.1__ Trade in goods   pb_4.1__ Incm   pb_7.6__ Portfolio invst   pb_9.2__ Curr acct_p1 {4 pages}  
pb_2.2__ Trade in goods: vol indices   pb_4.2__ Invst Incm   pb_7.7__ Other invst   pb_9.3__ Trade in goods & services {4 pages}  
pb_2.3__ Trade in goods: price indices   pb_4.3__ Earnings on direct invst1   md_15.4_ Other invest   pb_9.4__ Trade in goods {4 pages}  
pb_2.4__ Adjustments to trade in goods on a bal of pymts basis   pb_4.4__ Earnings on direct invst1   pb_7.9__ Reserve assets   pb_9.5__ Trade in services {4 pages}  
pb_3.1__ Trade in services   pb_4.5__ Earnings on portfolio invst   pb_8.1__ Intl invst position   pb_9.6__ Incm_p1 {4 pages}  
pb_3.10_ Pers, cultural & recreational services1   pb_4.6__ Earnings on portfolio invst   pb_8.10_ External debt statement   pb_9.7__ Curr transfers {4 pages}  
pb_3.11_ Gov services   pb_4.7__ Earnings on other invst   pb_8.2__ Intl invst position   pb_9.8__ Curr acct:  
page 11 page 22 page 33 page 44
  10.1 International Investment Position: by type of investment page 2. { total observations, n=20784 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ pb_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ pb (index ) | mirror pb ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     1955 yr     1956 yr     1957 yr     1958 yr     1959 yr     1960 yr     1961 yr     1962 yr     1963 yr     1964 yr     1965 yr     1966 yr     1967 yr     1968 yr     1969 yr     1970 yr     1971 yr     1972 yr     1973 yr     1974 yr     1975 yr     1976 yr     1977 yr     1978 yr     1979 yr     1980 yr     1981 yr     1982 yr     1983 yr     1984 yr     1985 yr     1986 yr     1987 yr     1988 yr     1989 yr     1990 yr     1991 yr     1992 yr     1993 yr     1994 yr     1995 yr     1996 yr     1997 yr     1998 yr     1999 yr     2000 yr     2001 yr     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr  
1 B23T 212. BoP IIP geog derivs assets GERMANY NSA £m NSA nominal 869 obs 784 obs 211 obs 0 to 2008 138906 187962 518663
2 B24I 213. BoP IIP geog derivs assets IRELAND NSA £m NSA nominal 948 obs 1002 obs 275 obs 0 to 2008 22466 34257 151868
3 B24T 214. BoP IIP geog derivs assets ITALY NSA £m NSA nominal 936 obs 1122 obs 277 obs 0 to 2008 21324 24401 60981
4 B24Y 215. BoP IIP geog derivs assets LUXEMBOURG NSA £m NSA nominal 957 obs 1062 obs 306 obs 0 to 2008 10839 10578 37058
5 B25G 216. BoP IIP geog derivs assets NETHERLANDS NSA £m NSA nominal 715 obs 844 obs 252 obs 0 to 2008 78146 116603 154064
6 B23Y 217. BoP IIP geog derivs assets SPAIN NSA £m NSA nominal 936 obs 875 obs 273 obs 0 to 2008 14052 21909 52700
7 B26X 218. BoP IIP geog derivs assets Total EU27 NSA £m NSA nominal 936 obs 966 obs 259 obs 0 to 2008 433829 701967 1682536
8 B25H 219. BoP IIP geog derivs assets NORWAY NSA £m NSA nominal 907 obs 1047 obs 259 obs 0 to 2008 4124 5205 48918
9 B23G 220. BoP IIP geog derivs assets SWITZERLAND NSA £m NSA nominal 1352 obs 963 obs 239 obs 0 to 2008 24011 36502 146599
10 B26W 221. BoP IIP geog derivs assets Total EFTA NSA £m NSA nominal 1354 obs 1078 obs 267 obs 0 to 2008 29074 42953 196189
11 B26S 222. BoP IIP geog derivs assets Total Europe NSA £m NSA nominal 963 obs 777 obs 200 obs 0 to 2008 482114 755744 1907249
12 B23E 223. BoP IIP geog derivs assets CANADA NSA £m NSA nominal 1080 obs 964 obs 253 obs 0 to 2008 15424 22534 90150
13 B26H 224. BoP IIP geog derivs assets UNITED STATES NSA £m NSA nominal 1007 obs 1028 obs 262 obs 0 to 2008 248871 441812 1603453
14 B26V 225. BoP IIP geog derivs assets Total Americas NSA £m NSA nominal 995 obs 561 obs 158 obs 0 to 2008 285092 510440 1811115
15 B24D 226. BoP IIP geog derivs assets HONG KONG NSA £m NSA nominal 1342 obs 681 obs 159 obs 0 to 2008 5262 7499 21005
16 B24U 227. BoP IIP geog derivs assets JAPAN NSA £m NSA nominal 841 obs 992 obs 277 obs 0 to 2008 27930 32123 112067
17 B25Y 228. BoP IIP geog derivs assets SINGAPORE NSA £m NSA nominal 1295 obs 661 obs 188 obs 0 to 2008 6118 13712 40534
18 B26Y 229. BoP IIP geog derivs assets Total Asia NSA £m NSA nominal 889 obs 625 obs 169 obs 0 to 2008 50107 67977 221709
19 B2BV 230. BoP IIP geog derivs assets AUSTRALIA NSA £m NSA nominal 1139 obs 1098 obs 292 obs 0 to 2008 24999 33273 72053
20 B27A 231. BoP IIP geog derivs assets Total Australasia and Oceania NSA £m NSA nominal 1186 obs 1090 obs 290 obs 0 to 2008 27041 35794 78858
21 B26Q 232. BoP IIP geog derivs assets SOUTH AFRICA NSA £m NSA nominal 948 obs 995 obs 267 obs 0 to 2008 3014 3312 8290
22 B26U 233. BoP IIP geog derivs assets Total Africa NSA £m NSA nominal 948 obs 1018 obs 272 obs 0 to 2008 3764 4441 11028
23 B25N 234. BoP IIP geog derivs assets International organisations NSA £m NSA nominal 1810 obs 998 obs 262 obs 0 to 2008 5600 3750 10235
24 B27S 235. BoP IIP geog derivs assets World Total NSA £m NSA nominal 1145 obs 710 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 853718 1378146 4040194 2201454
25 A54T 236. IIP: Assets: Total: Levels at the beginning of the period: Belgium NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 876 obs 244 obs 0 to 2008 57216 59068 72219 91158 126491 128563 165322 216555
26 HDSL 237. IIP: Assets: Total: France NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 928 obs 249 obs 0 to 2008 224478 213594 233014 273314 335540 526953 746104 987366
27 HDQJ 238. IIP: Assets: Total: Germany NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 865 obs 242 obs 0 to 2008 276726 267203 297359 326962 342911 499203 610933 1073318
28 HDZG 239. IIP: Assets: Total: Ireland NSA nominal { 2nd } 1351 obs 989 obs 264 obs 0 to 2008 93637 91255 120039 139794 236402 293965 374774 557505
29 HEGT 240. IIP: Assets: Total: Italy NSA nominal { 2nd } 1351 obs 986 obs 268 obs 0 to 2008 132842 127829 148566 147907 157722 175328 202615 247168
30 A5BW 241. IIP: Assets: Total: Levels at the beginning of the period: Luxembourg NSA nominal { 2nd } 1383 obs 1165 obs 307 obs 0 to 2008 111247 105816 147451 168171 194423 155298 221111 348788
31 HFID 242. IIP: Assets: Total: Netherlands NSA nominal { 2nd } 1531 obs 811 obs 218 obs 0 to 2008 299006 307486 324626 321763 313185 416711 577820 655855
32 HDSC 243. IIP: Assets: Total: Spain NSA nominal { 2nd } 1543 obs 970 obs 259 obs 0 to 2008 59757 55974 85285 112645 182542 206370 234167 355010
33 GB6F 244. F8: IIP: Assets: Total: EU27 NSA nominal { 2nd } 1351 obs 1052 obs 280 obs 0 to 2008 1432611 1395901 1621361 1795876 2143479 2711233 3485924 4927899
34 HFIE 245. IIP: Assets: Total: Norway NSA nominal { 2nd } 1097 obs 1110 obs 322 obs 0 to 2008 17900 19290 23254 28707 41319 59308 68033 108803
35 HCZZ 246. IIP: Assets: Total: Switzerland NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 1151 obs 338 obs 0 to 2008 153198 147300 171774 147533 166161 172154 316318 360760
36 HBKW 247. IIP: Assets: Total: EFTA NSA nominal { 2nd } 1166 obs 784 obs 252 obs 0 to 2008 173067 168318 197507 178831 211855 239341 405565 481529
37 HDRW 248. IIP: Assets: Total: Total Europe NSA nominal { 2nd } 1097 obs 565 obs 167 obs 0 to 2008 1704887 1678943 1948961 2131333 2586318 3249183 4250514 5789059
38 HCZY 249. IIP: Assets: Total: Canada NSA nominal { 2nd } 1367 obs 854 obs 236 obs 0 to 2008 45615 49275 43014 42561 63631 100249 132927 211181
39 HFJN 250. IIP: Assets: Total: USA NSA nominal { 2nd } 1399 obs 748 obs 204 obs 0 to 2008 699158 625858 716946 832034 1109879 1548597 1889860 3166009
40 HDRZ 251. IIP: Assets: Total: Total America NSA nominal { 2nd } 1543 obs 800 obs 217 obs 0 to 2008 886683 824062 935773 1101178 1499972 2007599 2459600 3900615
41 HDSN 252. IIP: Assets: Total: Hong Kong NSA nominal { 2nd } 1775 obs 1143 obs 309 obs 0 to 2008 39310 30365 35746 43098 56401 72879 80920 100822
42 HEIC 253. IIP: Assets: Total: Japan NSA nominal { 2nd } 1496 obs 1071 obs 291 obs 0 to 2008 198151 212085 212204 259585 267189 263473 288476 398165
43 HFJG 254. IIP: Assets: Total: Singapore NSA nominal { 2nd } 1556 obs 1013 obs 275 obs 0 to 2008 48384 39117 43991 42740 46295 52223 78250 118957
44 HDSF 255. IIP: Assets: Total: Total Asia NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 769 obs 225 obs 0 to 2008 366480 362851 387922 465325 527039 557059 697304 923449
45 HCZT 256. IIP: Assets: Total:: Australia NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 618 obs 188 obs 0 to 2008 44908 48186 52888 57551 71676 101359 126468 172309
46 HDSH 257. IIP: Assets: Total: Australasia NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 1031 obs 288 obs 0 to 2008 50412 54564 58981 64746 77292 109338 135440 187151
47 HFJR 258. IIP: Assets: Total: South Africa NSA nominal { 2nd } 1303 obs 997 obs 281 obs 0 to 2008 11357 16598 18770 22850 28913 25841 28587 35165
48 HDRY 259. IIP: Assets: Total: Total Africa NSA nominal { 2nd } 1413 obs 828 obs 230 obs 0 to 2008 23048 28061 30830 38061 47443 46761 54319 73293
49 HBKR 260. IIP: Assets: Total: IntOrgs NSA nominal { 2nd } 1557 obs 756 obs 213 obs 0 to 2008 18593 21134 21230 22399 23771 31872 32664 37843
50 HBQA 261. BoP IIP Asset level NSA £m NSA nominal { 2nd } 1440 obs 1961 obs 520 obs 0 to 2009 17080 20706 25581 31171 35024 40415 51936 66087 75727 97064 128790 141524 164847 196506 227699 325698 410215 479597 614970 585259 710661 689654 768188 951784 901324 940557 1143003 1351973 1347098 1548835 1628359 1966051 2135424 2396105 2933372 3101934 3051878 3464452 3911395 4806321 6057433 7746407 10980541 8699973
51 A572 262. IIP: Liabilities: Direct investment: Total: Levels at the beginning of the perio NSA nominal 1569 obs 1030 obs 281 obs 0 to 2008 2208 1765 1965 4571 4543 5634 4545 4159
52 YLZJ 263. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: France NSA nominal 1397 obs 859 obs 237 obs 0 to 2008 35213 37195 38083 43150 57024 51884 54303 49965
53 YLYW 264. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Germany NSA nominal 1569 obs 1290 obs 352 obs 0 to 2008 34488 42765 37351 41313 52079 49138 64558 73136
54 YLZP 265. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Ireland NSA nominal 1131 obs 1240 obs 347 obs 0 to 2008 4209 4544 4545 5889 7212 8166 8839 10106
55 YLZU 266. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Italy NSA nominal 1308 obs 1021 obs 312 obs 0 to 2008 6522 5788 4586 7068 6207 4550 4901 4089
56 A5E5 267. IIP: Liabilities: Direct investment: Total: Levels at the beginning of the perio NSA nominal 1388 obs 936 obs 264 obs 0 to 2008 2330 4985 5749 6232 7984 11743 20399 26539
57 YMAD 268. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Netherlands NSA nominal 1133 obs 799 obs 209 obs 0 to 2008 60920 39512 43537 49816 96899 119085 110903 135765
58 YLZE 269. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Spain NSA nominal 1308 obs 726 obs 211 obs 0 to 2008 606 2303 2837 3723 8871 29679 27876 10619
59 H7EB 270. FDI: Inward: TOTAL International Investment Position: EU27: NSA NSA nominal 1164 obs 775 obs 203 obs 0 to 2008 156032 147570 145310 169075 247527 290381 308996 330842
60 YMAE 271. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Norway NSA nominal 1294 obs 939 obs 243 obs 0 to 2008 832 1019 871 278 1100 969 1522 1406
61 YLYQ 272. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Switzerland NSA nominal 1294 obs 892 obs 232 obs 0 to 2008 9341 9718 13106 16188 21861 18598 28936 27827
62 YLYH 273. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Total EFTA-4 NSA nominal 1089 obs 825 obs 208 obs 0 to 2008 10465 10951 14464 17353 25316 21924 32570 30772
63 YLYY 274. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Total Europe NSA nominal 1294 obs 1113 obs 287 obs 0 to 2008 171290 162341 162597 190631 280555 323046 354382 385092
64 YLYP 275. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Canada NSA nominal 1150 obs 1045 obs 270 obs 0 to 2008 8693 8718 10910 12867 15778 19378 20835 19110
65 YMBD 276. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: USA NSA nominal 1294 obs 809 obs 212 obs 0 to 2008 141582 130445 136676 129973 151569 177857 167008 190674
66 YLZB 277. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Total America NSA nominal 1230 obs 804 obs 202 obs 0 to 2008 155953 144004 153377 148893 176158 206712 195476 225991
67 YLZL 278. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Hong Kong NSA nominal 973 obs 801 obs 210 obs 0 to 2008 3613 3531 3625 7189 7471 7551 5718 6945
68 YLZV 279. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Japan NSA nominal 1197 obs 1255 obs 337 obs 0 to 2008 15657 16818 16873 12628 10570 14813 25479 29156
69 YMAW 280. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Singapore NSA nominal 1294 obs 1373 obs 351 obs 0 to 2008 1591 1684 832 943 1048 4050 12197 1549
70 YLZF 281. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Total Asia NSA nominal 1150 obs 1025 obs 265 obs 0 to 2008 24145 25350 24684 25683 24321 39504 53166 47620
71 YLYL 282. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Australia NSA nominal 1247 obs 876 obs 242 obs 0 to 2008 10997 8309 14158 17397 12454 7134 8974 7439
72 YLZH 283. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Total Australasia and Oceania NSA nominal 2003 obs 1412 obs 365 obs 0 to 2008 11167 8462 14323 17571 12681 7561 9412 7709
73 YMBH 284. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: South Africa NSA nominal 2201 obs 1003 obs 260 obs 0 to 2008 757 250 387 333 189 130 900 1601
74 YLZA 285. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: Total Africa NSA nominal 1908 obs 730 obs 192 obs 0 to 2008 917 427 560 554 514 515 1397 2097
75 YLYE 286. BoP:IIP:Liabilities: Tot Direct Investment: International Organisations NSA nominal 1891 obs 1196 obs 311 obs 0 to 2008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
76 HBWI 287. FDI : Inward : Total FDI : International Investment Position : nsa : £ mil NSA nominal { 2nd } 1979 obs 1769 obs 527 obs 0 to 2009 3130 3496 3946 4315 4966 5658 6338 7741 10345 12140 13738 15764 17938 22078 26502 30104 32400 37346 40223 44462 51900 66687 81750 106593 121009 128617 130828 135898 129949 146210 152632 173730 213645 250203 310370 363472 340584 355541 383332 494229 577338 613833 668509 671766
77 A575 288. IIP: Liabilities: Portfolio investment: Total: Levels at the beginning of the pe NSA nominal 1970 obs 1124 obs 295 obs 0 to 2008 8932 9413 10422 12156 14969 17476 22411 30080
78 YMPO 289. BoP:IIP:Liabilities:Tot Portfolio Investment: France NSA nominal 1436 obs 671 obs 165 obs 0 to 2008 52205 52673 75738 96076 116984 134968 143892 173330
79 YMPB 290. BoP:IIP:Liabilities:Tot Portfolio Investment: Germany NSA nominal 1436 obs 622 obs 165 obs 0 to 2008 56331 47520 46529 57030 70060 86475 112274 119406
80 YMPU 291. BoP:IIP:Liabilities:Tot Portfolio Investment: Ireland NSA nominal 1792 obs 989 obs 277 obs 0 to 2008 66879 83213 92686 111939 137176 154983 201743 226732
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
103897 obs 76731 obs 20784 obs