E C O N S T A T S TM  
  UK Statistics
etop_Engineering Turnover
etop Engineering Turnover and Orders News Release
16_32.2 Manufacture of television and radio transmitters and apparatus for
      UK Office of National Statistics (ONS)
      HM Treasury - Weekly economic indicators
      HM Treasury - pocket databank (xls)
Commonly-used UK Stats Prelim Estimate Of GDP Jan 25 GDP Month 2 May 25 Gross Domestic Product (O) Aug 26 Motor Vehicle Prod Mar 2
UK Economic Accounts Dec 22 Detailed Index of Prod Dataset Jan 12 Productivity Dec 23 Public Sector Finances, Jan 24 Public Sector Accounts, Jun 30
Public Sector Trans: Calendar ... Jun 30 Public Sector Employment Stats Dec 14 PPI Aggregate Level Jan 13 Producer Prices - MM22 Jan 24 Consumer Price Indices Aug 16
Claimant Count & Vacancies Jan 18 Labour Market Stats - Integrat... Jan 18 Employment & Earnings Jan 18 Financial Stats Freestanding Jul 12 Financial Stats Consistent Jul 12
Mergers & Acquisitions Dec 6 Share Ownership Jan 27 Inv't by Ins Comps, Pens Funds... Mar 25 Ins Comps', Pens Funds' & Trus... Dec 21 Balance of Payments Quarterly Dec 22
Trade in Goods Industry BOP MQ... Dec 9 Trade in Goods MRETS (all BOP ... Jan 11 Monthly Digest of Stats Jul 28 Economic Trends Dec 16 Economic Trends Annual Supp Oct 10
Index of Distribution Feb 24 Pink Book Jul 30 Blue Book Jul 30 Cap Stocks Tables for Publication Jul 31 Retail Sales - Detailed Level Jan 20
Metal Working Machine Tools 0 MM17 - PINCCA Dec 29 Engineering Turnover & Orders ... Feb 17 Business Inv't Dec 22 Consumer Trends Dec 22
Consumer Credit Business Jul 1 Profitability of UK Comps Jan 4

  SubTable 8 of 21   16_32.2 Manufacture of television and radio transmitters and apparatus for   Yearly data  
etop_1__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_13_ 31.4-31.6 Manufacture of batteries, lighting equipment & other electrical equ   etop_17_ 32.3 Manufacture of television & radio receivers, sound or video recording   etop_20_ 33.2/33.3 Manufacture of instruments & appliances for measuring, checking,   etop_5__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_9__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest  
etop_10_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_14_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_18_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_21_ 33.4/33.5 Manufacture of optical instuments, photographic equipment,   etop_6__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest  
etop_11_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_15_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_19_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_3__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_7__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest  
etop_12_ 31.2/31.3 Manufacture of electricity distribution & control apparatus,   etop_16_ 32.2 Manufacture of television & radio transmitters & apparatus for   etop_2__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_4__ 29.1 Manufacture of machinery for production & use of mechanical power,   etop_8__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest  
  16 32.2 Manufacture of television and radio transmitters and apparatus for. { total observations, n=6152 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ etop_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ etop (index ) | mirror etop ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     1955 yr     1956 yr     1957 yr     1958 yr     1959 yr     1960 yr     1961 yr     1962 yr     1963 yr     1964 yr     1965 yr     1966 yr     1967 yr     1968 yr     1969 yr     1970 yr     1971 yr     1972 yr     1973 yr     1974 yr     1975 yr     1976 yr     1977 yr     1978 yr     1979 yr     1980 yr     1981 yr     1982 yr     1983 yr     1984 yr     1985 yr     1986 yr     1987 yr     1988 yr     1989 yr     1990 yr     1991 yr     1992 yr     1993 yr     1994 yr     1995 yr     1996 yr     1997 yr     1998 yr     1999 yr     2000 yr     2001 yr     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr  
1 VBTP 64. 32.2 Orders on hand total (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2577 obs 2446 obs 752 obs 0 to 2009 1785.6 1345.5 1905.9 1985 2617.7 1961.1 1436.7 2305.4 4250 5042 3069.2 2484.1 1870.6 2082.9 1726.5 2284 1980.7 1735.6 1502.1
2 HP8C 65. 32.2 New orders total (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2502 obs 1918 obs 719 obs 0 to 2009 3461.2 5138 5429 6631 5418 5671 8556 13816 16035 8549 6539 5216 6051 4157 4524 3600 3144.7 3147.3
3 VBTC 66. 32.2 Turnover total (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2448 obs 2212 obs 651 obs 0 to 2009 4188 3901.3 4578 5350 5998 6075 6195 7687 11871 15242 10522.5 7125 5829 5839 4514 3966.5 3903.1 3389.8 3380.6
4 HJ9U 67. 32.2 Orders on hand home (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2545 obs 2153 obs 710 obs 0 to 2009 1283.6 979.80 1439 2721.6 3521.6 2438.5 2029.6 1498.9 1693 1310.4 1925 1661.2 1156.5 1097.3
5 HP8E 68. 32.2 New orders home (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2843 obs 2482 obs 651 obs 0 to 2009 2888 4427 7797 9177 5151 4248 3577.3 4280 2585.8 3133.8 2220.9 1617.4 1766.2
6 HJB4 69. 32.2 Turnover home (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2357 obs 2355 obs 609 obs 0 to 2009 3386.5 3191.8 3968 6514 8377 6234 4656 4108 4086 2968.1 2519.1 2484.7 2122.1 1825.3
7 VBTS 70. 32.2 Orders on hand export (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2308 obs 2485 obs 620 obs 0 to 2009 603 322.70 673.30 669.70 915.80 677.60 456.90 866.40 1528.2 1520.5 630.70 454.40 371.60 390 416.10 359 319.5 579.20 404.90
8 HP8D 71. 32.2 New orders export (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2700 obs 2446 obs 770 obs 0 to 2009 1484.2 2420.9 2416 2873.1 2450.3 2782.5 4129 6019 6857 3398.8 2291.7 1638.7 1771.3 1571.6 1390 1379.1 1527.1 1381
9 VBTG 72. 32.2 Turnover export (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2797 obs 2545 obs 670 obs 0 to 2009 1893.8 1764.3 2070.2 2419.5 2627 2688.4 3003.2 3719.1 5357 6865 4288 2468.1 1721.3 1752.9 1545.6 1447.2 1418.6 1267.5 1555.4
  cp; nsa = current price, not seasonally adjusted
23077 obs 21042 obs 6152 obs