E C O N S T A T S TM  
  UK Statistics
etop_Engineering Turnover
etop Engineering Turnover and Orders News Release
12_31.2/31.3 Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus,
      UK Office of National Statistics (ONS)
      HM Treasury - Weekly economic indicators
      HM Treasury - pocket databank (xls)
Commonly-used UK Stats Prelim Estimate Of GDP Jan 25 GDP Month 2 May 25 Gross Domestic Product (O) Aug 26 Motor Vehicle Prod Mar 2
UK Economic Accounts Dec 22 Detailed Index of Prod Dataset Jan 12 Productivity Dec 23 Public Sector Finances, Jan 24 Public Sector Accounts, Jun 30
Public Sector Trans: Calendar ... Jun 30 Public Sector Employment Stats Dec 14 PPI Aggregate Level Jan 13 Producer Prices - MM22 Jan 24 Consumer Price Indices Aug 16
Claimant Count & Vacancies Jan 18 Labour Market Stats - Integrat... Jan 18 Employment & Earnings Jan 18 Financial Stats Freestanding Jul 12 Financial Stats Consistent Jul 12
Mergers & Acquisitions Dec 6 Share Ownership Jan 27 Inv't by Ins Comps, Pens Funds... Mar 25 Ins Comps', Pens Funds' & Trus... Dec 21 Balance of Payments Quarterly Dec 22
Trade in Goods Industry BOP MQ... Dec 9 Trade in Goods MRETS (all BOP ... Jan 11 Monthly Digest of Stats Jul 28 Economic Trends Dec 16 Economic Trends Annual Supp Oct 10
Index of Distribution Feb 24 Pink Book Jul 30 Blue Book Jul 30 Cap Stocks Tables for Publication Jul 31 Retail Sales - Detailed Level Jan 20
Metal Working Machine Tools 0 MM17 - PINCCA Dec 29 Engineering Turnover & Orders ... Feb 17 Business Inv't Dec 22 Consumer Trends Dec 22
Consumer Credit Business Jul 1 Profitability of UK Comps Jan 4

  SubTable 4 of 21   12_31.2/31.3 Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus,   Quarterly data  
etop_1__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_13_ 31.4-31.6 Manufacture of batteries, lighting equipment & other electrical equ   etop_17_ 32.3 Manufacture of television & radio receivers, sound or video recording   etop_20_ 33.2/33.3 Manufacture of instruments & appliances for measuring, checking,   etop_5__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_9__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest  
etop_10_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_14_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_18_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_21_ 33.4/33.5 Manufacture of optical instuments, photographic equipment,   etop_6__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest  
etop_11_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_15_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_19_ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_3__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_7__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest  
etop_12_ 31.2/31.3 Manufacture of electricity distribution & control apparatus,   etop_16_ 32.2 Manufacture of television & radio transmitters & apparatus for   etop_2__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest   etop_4__ 29.1 Manufacture of machinery for production & use of mechanical power,   etop_8__ Engineering Turnover & Orders Digest  
  12 31.2/31.3 Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus,. { total observations, n=20509 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ etop_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ etop (index ) | mirror etop ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Quarterly Range     1996 ii     1996 iii     1996 iv     1997 i     1997 ii     1997 iii     1997 iv     1998 i     1998 ii     1998 iii     1998 iv     1999 i     1999 ii     1999 iii     1999 iv     2000 i     2000 ii     2000 iii     2000 iv     2001 i     2001 ii     2001 iii     2001 iv     2002 i     2002 ii     2002 iii     2002 iv     2003 i     2003 ii     2003 iii     2003 iv     2004 i     2004 ii     2004 iii     2004 iv     2005 i     2005 ii     2005 iii     2005 iv     2006 i     2006 ii     2006 iii     2006 iv     2007 i     2007 ii     2007 iii     2007 iv     2008 i     2008 ii     2008 iii     2008 iv     2009 i     2009 ii     2009 iii     2009 iv  
1 H78V 28. 31.2-31.3 Orders on hand total (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2692 obs 2295 obs 774 obs 0 to 2009 IV 1517.8 1483 1355.7 1187.9 1325.1 1352.4 1283.3 1010.6 1053.6 969.30 842.40 1213.7 1161.6 1179.9 1145.9 1103.9 1158.1 1382.7 1311 1245.8 1161 1074.4 1031.5 1033.9 1011.1 991.10 949.80 911.80 842.30 932.40 875.5 942.10 966.80 953.20 927 960.30 1013.8 1122.3 1204.9 1209.3 1181.8 1331.2 1216.5 1185.5 1205 1287.7 1397 1528.3 1481.6 1484.9 1179.3 1127.3 1020.5 1242 1214.7
2 HP7S 29. 31.2-31.3 New orders total (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2895 obs 2546 obs 845 obs 0 to 2009 III 1331.9 1268.9 1158.5 1474.2 1295 1261.9 1160.2 1403.6 1195.7 1160.9 1808.6 1286.7 1317.7 1323.9 1428.7 1520.9 1869.8 1564.7 1560.8 1329.7 1295.2 1211 1249.3 1268.6 1224.8 1102.3 1100.7 1056.4 1247.3 1106.5 1289.4 1241.7 1227.4 1203.5 1212.3 1298 1337 1317.5 1314.9 1368.4 1500.6 1186 1395.6 1446.2 1514.4 1548.7 1599.8 1422.9 1423.9 1055 1036.2 974.20 1297.5 1132.8
3 H75R 30. 31.2-31.3 Turnover total (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2489 obs 2270 obs 737 obs 0 to 2009 IV 1461.8 1366.6 1396.2 1326.3 1337.1 1267.6 1331 1433 1360.6 1280 1287.8 1437.5 1338.7 1299.5 1358 1470.7 1466.7 1645 1636.4 1626 1414.5 1381.8 1253.8 1246.9 1291.2 1244.8 1143.6 1138.5 1125.9 1157.2 1163.3 1222.8 1217.1 1241 1229.6 1179.1 1244.6 1228.4 1235 1310.5 1395.7 1351.3 1300.7 1426.6 1426.8 1431.7 1439.4 1468.4 1469.7 1420.5 1360.5 1088.1 1081 1076.1 1160
4 HJ9R 31. 31.2-31.3 Orders on hand home (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2466 obs 2605 obs 797 obs 0 to 2009 IV 828.80 875.5 625.30 732.5 682.10 668.90 667.20 643.20 665.5 649.60 583.30 841.20 757.90 778.80 758.70 737.60 813.40 966.5 931.60 888.20 789.30 723.90 669.80 693.20 688.60 692.60 692.5 703.60 663.90 709.30 646.40 727.20 763.60 719.60 698 734.60 780.60 852.80 938.5 952.20 915.20 1032.3 915 898.40 788 930.60 1005 1178.6 1110.5 1012.5 848.90 755.10 758.5 994.60 975
5 HP7U 32. 31.2-31.3 New orders home (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2715 obs 2366 obs 791 obs 0 to 2009 III 986.60 717.20 1094.3 938.70 911.70 915.5 1034.1 1020.4 947.40 910.90 1345.9 936.20 1003.7 963.70 1100.6 1151 1368.6 1157.1 1119.8 918.10 949.10 859.20 930.10 949.30 929.40 854.40 860.20 820.10 934.60 839.90 1008.9 967.70 879.10 896.70 892 932.40 991.30 1027.8 987.40 1016.5 1131 844 1079.9 966.60 1241.3 1125.4 1282.7 1043.4 955.60 783.20 704.10 777.90 1051.7 866
6 HJA9 33. 31.2-31.3 Turnover home (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2802 obs 2218 obs 860 obs 0 to 2009 IV 999.5 939.90 967.40 987.10 989.10 924.80 917.30 1058.1 998.10 963.20 977.20 1088 1019.4 982.90 983.80 1121.7 1075.2 1215.6 1192 1163.2 1017 1014.4 913.20 906.70 953.90 925.40 854.5 849.10 859.80 889.20 902.80 928.10 931.40 923.10 918.30 855.5 886.5 919 942.10 973.80 1053.4 1013.9 961.30 1096.6 1077 1098.7 1051 1109 1111.5 1053.5 946.90 798 774.40 815.60 885.60
7 H78U 34. 31.2-31.3 Orders on hand export (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2664 obs 1944 obs 799 obs 0 to 2009 IV 689 607.60 730.5 455.40 643 683.5 616.10 367.40 388.10 319.70 259.10 372.5 403.70 401.10 387.20 366.30 344.60 416.20 379.40 357.70 371.70 350.60 361.70 340.70 322.5 298.60 257.30 208.20 178.40 223.10 229.20 214.90 203.20 233.60 229 225.70 233.20 269.5 266.40 257.20 266.60 298.90 301.5 287.10 417 357.10 392 349.70 371.10 472.30 330.40 372.30 261.90 247.40 239.70
8 HP7T 35. 31.2-31.3 New orders export (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2548 obs 2179 obs 827 obs 0 to 2009 III 345.30 551.70 64.20 535.5 383.30 346.40 126.30 383.10 248.30 250 462.80 350.5 314 360.20 328.20 369.90 501.20 407.70 441.10 411.60 346.30 351.80 319.20 319.20 295.40 247.80 240.40 236.20 312.60 266.60 280.5 274 348.20 306.80 320.10 365.60 345.80 289.70 327.5 352 369.60 342 315.70 479.60 273.20 423.40 317.10 379.5 468.20 271.80 332 196.30 245.80 266.80
9 H75Q 36. 31.2-31.3 Turnover export (cp; nsa) NSA nominal 2717 obs 2086 obs 695 obs 0 to 2009 IV 462.30 426.90 428.70 339.20 348 342.80 413.90 375 362.5 316.70 310.60 349.40 319.20 316.60 374.20 349 391.60 429.5 444.5 462.80 397.60 367.40 340.5 340.20 337.40 319.40 289.10 289.40 266.10 267.90 260.60 294.70 285.70 317.90 311.40 323.5 358.10 309.40 292.90 336.70 342.40 337.30 339.40 330.10 349.70 333.20 388.60 359.40 358.20 367 413.70 290.10 306.60 260.5 274.30
  cp; nsa = current price, not seasonally adjusted
23988 obs 20509 obs 7125 obs