1 CAR AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PRODUCTION IKZX total car production final index SA CONS 2000 2000 ISDU home car production final index SA CONS 2000 2000 ISEP export car production final index SA CONS 2000 2000 ISEW total cv production final index SA CONS 2000 2000 ISEZ home cv production final index SA CONS 2000 2000 ISFC export cv production final index SA CONS 2000 2000 2 CAR AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PRODUCTION<1> JCYM Passenger Cars Total NSA CURR - - LNBU Passenger cars home market NSA CURR - - JCYL Passenger Cars Export NSA CURR - - JCYG Commercial vehicle Total NSA CURR - - LNBX Commercial vehicles home market NSA CURR - - JCYF Commercial vehicles Export NSA CURR - -