BE1 Consumer Credit: Amounts outstanding and net lending VVXS M4 monthly sectoral analysis: M4 lending: consumer credit: levels #m nsa NSA CURR - - BM57 Other Consumer credit lenders: Amounts outstanding: NSA NSA NONE - - VZRD Total consumer credit: Amounts outstanding: NSA NSA CURR - - VZRE Total consumer credit - of which credit cards: Amounts outstanding: NSA NSA CURR - - VZRF Total consumer credit - of which other: Amounts outstanding: NSA NSA CURR - - VVXP M4 monthly sectoral analysis: M4 lending: consumer creidt: flows #m nsa NSA CURR - - BM59 Other Consumer Credit Lenders: Net Lending: NSA NSA NONE - - VZQC Total consumer credit: Net lending: NSA NSA CURR - - VZQS Total consumer credit - of which credit cards: Net lending: NSA NSA CURR - - VZQT Total consumer credit - of which other: Net lending: NSA NSA CURR - - VVYI MFI's Amounts Outstanding Seasonally Adjusted SA CURR - - BM58 Other Consumer Credit Lenders: Amounts outstanding: SA SA NONE - - VZRI Total consumer credit: Amounts outstanding: SA SA CURR - - VZRJ Total consumer credit - of which credit cards: Amounts outstanding: SA SA CURR - - VZRK Total consumer credit - of which other: Amounts outstanding: SA SA CURR - - VVYF MFI's Net Lending Seasonally Adjusted SA CURR - - BM62 Other Consumer Credit Lenders: Net Lending: SA SA NONE - - RLMH Total consumer credit: Net lending: SA SA CURR - - VZQX Total consumer credit - of which credit cards: Net lending: SA SA CURR - - VZQY Total consumer credit - of which other: Net lending: SA SA CURR - - BE2 Consumer Credit - Gross lending B3HJ A Lev of MFIs' £ unsecured gross lending indiv £m nsa NSA CURR - - BM55 Other Consumer Credit Lenders: Gross lending: NSA NSA NONE - - VZQG Total consumer credit: Gross lending: NSA NSA CURR - - VZQH Total consumer credit - of which credit cards: Gross lending: NSA NSA CURR - - VZQI Total consumer credit - of which other: Gross lending: NSA NSA CURR - - B3RA A Lev of MFIs' £ unsecured gross lending indiv £m sa SA CURR - - BM56 Other Consumer Credit Lenders: Gross Lending: SA SA NONE - - VZQN Total consumer credit: Gross lending: SA SA CURR - - VZQO Total consumer credit - of which credit cards: Gross lending: SA SA CURR - - VZQP Total consumer credit - of which other: Gross lending: SA SA CURR - -