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IMF Commodities
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IMF Commodities
Prices of Commodities (US$)  
Commodity Prices Indices  
Month Avg over Quarter Avg over Year
End of Quarter End of Year
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http://www.imf.org/external/np/res/commod/index.aspx | Column (1) : All Commodity Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes both Fuel and Non-Fuel Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PALLFNF_Index 1 Column (2) : Non-Fuel Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Food and Beverages and Industrial Inputs Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PNFUEL_Index 2 Column (3) : Food and Beverage Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Food and Beverage Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PFANDB_Index 3 Column (4) : Food Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Cereal, Vegetable Oils, Meat, Seafood, Sugar, Bananas, and Oranges Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PFOOD_Index 4 Column (5) : Beverage Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa | Units : Index Number Code PBEVE_Index 5 Column (6) : Industrial Inputs Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Agricultural Raw Materials and Metals Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PINDU_Index 6 Column (7) : Agricultural Raw Materials Index, 2005 = 100, includes Timber, Cotton, Wool, Rubber, and Hides Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PRAWM_Index 7 Column (8) : Metals Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Copper, Aluminum, Iron Ore, Tin, Nickel, Zinc, Lead, and Uranium Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PMETA_Index 8 Column (9) : Fuel (Energy) Index, 2005 = 100, includes Crude oil (petroleum), Natural Gas, and Coal Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PNRG_Index 9 Column (10) : Crude Oil (petroleum), Price index, 2005 = 100, simple average of three spot prices; Dated Brent, West Texas Intermediate, and the Dubai Fateh | Units : Index Number Code POILAPSP_Index 10 Column (11) : Cotton, Cotton Outlook 'A Index', Middling 1-3/32 inch staple, CIF Liverpool, US cents per pound | Units : Index Number Code PCOTTIND_USD 21
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20130815
           |    col (1)       |    col (2)       |    col (3)       |    col (4)       |    col (5)       |    col (6)       |    col (7)       |    col (8)       |    col (9)       |   col (10)       |   col (11)       |
           | All Commodity    | Non-Fuel Price   | Food and         | Food Price       | Beverage Price   | Industrial       | Agricultural Raw | Metals Price     | Fuel (Energy)    | Crude Oil        | Cotton; Cotton   |
           | Price Index;     | Index; 2005 =    | Beverage Price   | Index; 2005 =    | Index; 2005 =    | Inputs Price     | Materials Index; | Index; 2005 =    | Index; 2005 =    | (petroleum);     | Outlook 'A       |
           | 2005 = 100;      | 100; includes    | Index; 2005 =    | 100; includes    | 100; includes    | Index; 2005 =    | 2005 = 100;      | 100; includes    | 100; includes    | Price index;     | Index'; Middling |
           | includes both    | Food and         | 100; includes    | Cereal;          | Coffee; Tea; and | 100; includes    | includes Timber; | Copper;          | Crude oil        | 2005 = 100;      | 1-3/32 inch      |
           | Fuel and         | Beverages and    | Food and         | Vegetable Oils;  | Cocoa            | Agricultural Raw | Cotton; Wool;    | Aluminum; Iron   | (petroleum);     | simple average   | staple; CIF      |
           | Non-Fuel Price   | Industrial       | Beverage Price   | Meat; Seafood;   |                  | Materials and    | Rubber; and      | Ore; Tin;        | Natural Gas; and | of three spot    | Liverpool; US    |
           | Indices          | Inputs Price     | Indices          | Sugar; Bananas;  |                  | Metals Price     | Hides Price      | Nickel; Zinc;    | Coal Price       | prices; Dated    | cents per pound  |
           |                  | Indices          |                  | and              |                  | Indices          |                  | Lead;            |                  |                  |                  |
           | PALLFNF_Index    | PNFUEL_Index     | PFANDB_Index     | PFOOD_Index      | PBEVE_Index      | PINDU_Index      | PRAWM_Index      | PMETA_Index      | PNRG_Index       | POILAPSP_Index   | PCOTTIND_USD     |
           | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     |
           | Avg over         | Avg over         | Avg over         | Avg over         | Avg over         | Avg over         | Avg over         | Avg over         | Avg over         | Avg over         | Avg over         |
           | Quarter          | Quarter          | Quarter          | Quarter          | Quarter          | Quarter          | Quarter          | Quarter          | Quarter          | Quarter          | Quarter          |
Year Qtr   |__Jan92_to_Apr13 _|__Jan91_to_Apr13 _|__Jan91_to_Apr13 _|__Jan91_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|__Jan92_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|
2013.2                 178.7              168.9              176.4              179.4              149.4              161.3              130.5              183.6              184.4              186.2               92.6  
2013.1                 187.3              175.1              178.6              181.4              152.2              171.6              133.1              199.4              194.5              198.1               89.9  
2012.4                 182.2              170.3              177.1              178.7              162.0              163.4              132.1              186.1              189.1              192.3               82.1  
2012.3                 183.5              171.0              182.9              184.3              169.6              159.0              131.9              178.5              190.8              193.7               84.2  
2012.2                 184.3              170.3              170.5              171.4              162.7              170.0              136.6              194.2              192.4              193.9               90.3  
2012.1                 195.4              173.0              170.0              169.4              175.2              176.1              135.6              205.4              208.4              211.9              100.5  
2011.4                 184.4              168.2              166.5              164.5              184.6              170.0              134.9              195.4              193.9              194.4              103.6  
2011.3                 192.7              191.1              182.8              180.1              207.9              199.5              153.0              233.1              193.7              194.3              126.7  
2011.2                 201.9              199.8              190.4              187.9              213.4              209.4              164.6              241.8              203.1              207.3              180.9  
2011.1                 190.6              201.0              189.9              187.1              216.3              212.1              161.6              248.6              184.5              187.6              207.3  
2010.4                 166.4              180.0              171.2              169.5              186.2              188.9              140.1              224.2              158.5              160.6              150.1  
2010.3                 147.6              158.8              154.0              151.2              180.0              163.7              123.0              193.2              141.0              141.9               93.1  
2010.2                 149.4              155.7              143.6              140.8              170.2              167.9              122.4              200.8              145.7              146.9               89.9  
2010.1                 145.8              150.4              141.8              138.9              168.6              159.2              115.0              191.1              143.1              144.8               81.1  
2009.4                 138.9              140.8              140.1              136.6              172.6              141.4              106.1              167.0              137.8              142.0               71.8  
2009.3                 128.0              133.2              137.6              135.3              158.7              128.7               98.1              150.9              125.0              128.3               64.4  
2009.2                 115.8              122.9              139.7              139.1              145.0              105.8               85.4              120.6              111.6              111.3               60.0  
2009.1                 100.2              113.0              127.2              125.6              141.4               98.6               86.1              107.7               92.8               83.1               54.8  
2008.4                 117.5              117.8              124.7              123.9              132.0              110.8              100.4              118.4              117.3              105.1               57.6  
2008.3                 197.2              159.0              166.1              166.4              163.9              151.8              118.6              175.7              219.6              217.3               76.3  
2008.2                 203.1              167.4              173.7              175.3              159.3              161.0              118.2              191.9              224.0              227.3               75.5  
2008.1                 171.7              161.0              162.9              164.0              152.7              159.1              116.3              190.1              177.9              178.9               76.2  
2007.4                 154.1              142.9              138.8              139.9              128.9              147.0              112.7              171.7              160.6              164.4               69.4  
2007.3                 137.2              140.6              128.7              129.0              125.8              152.6              109.4              183.8              135.2              137.9               67.5  
2007.2                 130.5              143.2              120.4              120.3              121.2              166.3              117.4              201.6              123.1              124.3               57.7  
2007.1                 117.9              134.0              116.7              116.6              117.3              151.4              117.2              176.2              108.6              107.5               58.5  
2006.4                 118.1              130.1              112.3              112.3              112.0              148.2              111.2              175.0              111.0              110.8               58.0  
2006.3                 126.8              126.8              111.5              111.8              109.1              142.2              110.8              165.0              126.8              129.1               58.5  
2006.2                 125.5              124.4              112.0              112.9              104.5              136.9              108.9              157.2              126.1              128.2               56.3  
2006.1                 112.7              110.9              104.2              103.8              107.9              117.8              104.1              127.7              113.7              114.5               59.5  
2005.4                 105.2              102.5               99.5              100.0               95.4              105.5              101.1              108.6              106.8              106.0               57.2  
2005.3                 107.1               99.9              100.2              100.6               96.7               99.6              100.8               98.8              111.3              112.4               54.7  
2005.2                  96.7               99.3              101.0              100.8              103.5               97.5               99.2               96.4               95.2               95.3               55.6  
2005.1                  91.0               98.3               99.2               98.7              104.4               97.4               98.9               96.2               86.7               86.3               53.2  
2004.4                  85.2               92.2               93.3               93.9               88.1               91.0               97.1               86.7               81.1               79.7               50.1  
2004.3                  83.2               93.4               97.2               98.5               85.6               89.6              100.8               81.6               77.3               75.8               55.7  
2004.2                  79.1               96.4              105.0              107.7               80.3               87.6               99.1               79.3               68.9               66.7               68.0  
2004.1                  73.8               94.4              100.6              102.4               84.8               88.0              100.2               79.3               61.8               60.1               74.1  
2003.4                  67.6               86.6               92.7               94.1               80.4               80.5               98.6               67.4               56.4               55.1               74.4  
2003.3                  63.7               79.9               84.7               85.0               81.3               75.0               95.2               60.4               54.2               53.2               61.6  
2003.2                  61.6               79.4               86.6               86.8               84.8               72.1               92.6               57.4               51.2               49.6               59.0  
2003.1                  67.0               80.7               87.9               87.0               95.4               73.5               95.4               57.7               59.0               58.7               58.8  
2002.4                  61.5               80.2               87.1               86.7               91.1               73.3               99.3               54.5               50.6               50.1               52.4  
2002.3                  61.0               79.4               86.0               86.1               85.5               72.7               99.8               53.2               50.2               50.5               48.3  
2002.2                  57.8               75.2               79.1               79.4               76.5               71.2               93.6               55.0               47.6               47.3               41.6  
2002.1                  52.4               72.7               77.3               77.7               73.2               68.1               86.8               54.6               40.5               39.3               42.8  
2001.4                  50.5               70.8               76.1               77.5               63.6               65.4               84.5               51.7               38.5               36.2               39.4  
2001.3                  59.0               76.0               82.3               84.5               62.1               69.6               91.8               53.6               49.1               47.3               43.4  
2001.2                  62.3               79.1               80.2               81.6               66.4               78.0              104.6               58.7               52.5               50.1               49.5  
2001.1                  61.6               78.2               79.4               80.3               70.4               77.1               99.3               61.1               51.9               48.8               59.7  
2000.4                  64.7               77.0               77.4               78.4               68.6               76.5               98.0               61.0               57.5               55.6               63.6  
2000.3                  64.7               78.5               79.1               79.7               73.9               77.9               98.1               63.3               56.6               56.0               60.3  
2000.2                  61.7               80.5               83.6               84.2               78.1               77.4               99.6               61.3               50.8               50.2               59.6  
2000.1                  61.1               80.3               81.7               81.6               82.2               78.9               97.9               65.2               49.8               49.9               52.7  
1999.4                  56.8               78.2               79.8               78.6               91.3               76.5               98.3               60.8               44.3               44.7               45.9  
1999.3                  52.3               75.9               78.8               78.3               84.1               73.0               93.6               58.1               38.5               38.4               51.6  
1999.2                  47.2               74.8               80.8               79.6               92.6               68.6               90.4               52.9               31.1               30.1               58.7  
1999.1                  43.0               75.7               84.4               82.4              102.8               66.8               90.7               49.6               23.9               21.8               56.2  
1998.4                  44.2               77.9               88.6               86.3              109.1               67.2               87.8               52.2               24.5               22.2               57.8  
1998.3                  46.8               81.1               91.3               88.9              113.1               70.9               93.7               54.5               26.6               24.4               68.1  
1998.2                  49.3               86.6               98.6               96.1              121.5               74.4               98.8               56.7               27.5               24.9               66.3  
1998.1                  50.3               86.3               98.2               94.3              134.1               74.3               95.8               58.7               29.2               26.5               69.8  
1997.4                  57.0               90.8              101.0               98.0              128.9               80.6              104.2               63.6               37.3               35.3               76.4  
1997.3                  58.3               94.4              102.9               99.6              132.9               85.8              108.6               69.3               37.1               35.0               80.7  
1997.2                  59.8               98.8              109.2              105.4              144.0               88.4              114.7               69.4               36.9               34.7               79.5  
1997.1                  62.6               98.7              107.4              106.5              116.3               90.0              118.7               69.2               41.5               39.5               80.3  
1996.4                  63.4               94.9              103.2              103.3              102.5               86.5              118.7               63.2               45.0               43.2               76.5  
1996.3                  62.1               99.1              111.4              112.1              104.6               86.7              119.9               62.8               40.5               38.6               77.3  
1996.2                  62.6              103.5              118.4              119.2              110.9               88.4              115.0               69.2               38.7               36.4               83.0  
1996.1                  59.9               98.7              110.5              110.9              106.5               86.8              109.6               70.4               37.2               34.3               85.3  
1995.4                  58.2               98.4              107.7              107.2              112.1               89.1              111.1               73.1               34.7               31.8               89.8  
1995.3                  58.5              100.8              108.3              106.9              121.5               93.3              115.2               77.5               33.8               30.8               90.6  
1995.2                  60.4              101.2              104.6              101.4              134.5               97.8              129.4               75.0               36.5               34.1              111.1  
1995.1                  59.0              100.6              103.5               99.7              138.0               97.8              124.7               78.4               34.7               32.3              101.7  
1994.4                  57.1               98.0              102.7               98.2              144.3               93.2              119.3               74.3               33.2               31.1               79.1  
1994.3                  56.8               95.9              104.2               98.1              161.0               87.6              120.2               64.0               33.8               32.0               78.1  
1994.2                  54.4               92.2              100.8              100.1              107.7               83.4              118.6               58.0               32.3               30.5               85.2  
1994.1                  50.2               87.3               98.2               99.6               85.0               76.4              107.1               54.1               28.6               26.0               76.6  
1993.4                  50.2               83.9               94.5               95.4               85.8               73.2              106.5               49.1               30.6               28.0               56.2  
1993.3                  52.1               85.3               94.9               96.7               78.3               75.6              107.7               52.4               32.7               30.3               56.2  
1993.2                  54.0               85.4               94.4               97.4               67.1               76.3              109.0               52.8               35.6               33.7               59.9  
1993.1                  53.3               83.5               92.3               94.5               72.3               74.6               99.4               56.8               35.6               33.7               59.8  
1992.4                  54.4               83.6               93.4               95.4               74.8               73.6               95.6               57.8               37.3               35.5               53.3  
1992.3                  56.8               87.0               97.5              100.5               70.4               76.3               93.1               64.2               39.2               37.5               60.6  
1992.2                  55.2               83.9               91.9               94.6               67.7               75.8               94.7               62.1               38.4               36.9               60.8  
1992.1                  52.6               82.7               93.8               95.9               74.1               71.5               87.3               60.0               34.9               32.8               57.1  
1991.4                    na               82.8               94.0               95.2               82.7               71.6               90.1               58.3                 na               37.1               64.6  
1991.3                    na               83.5               92.2               93.9               76.3               74.8               94.0               60.9                 na               36.3               74.9  
1991.2                    na               87.5               96.5               98.5               77.7               78.5               98.7               63.8                 na               34.2               83.8  
1991.1                    na               91.0              103.4              105.4               85.1               78.5               92.7               68.3                 na               37.1               84.3  
1990.4                    na                 na                 na                 na               89.7               83.3               97.0               73.4                 na               58.1               82.6  
1990.3                    na                 na                 na                 na               87.1               89.9              102.1               81.0                 na               48.1               84.8  
1990.2                    na                 na                 na                 na               88.3               87.3              106.8               73.2                 na               29.6               86.2  
1990.1                    na                 na                 na                 na               80.5               83.4              103.0               69.3                 na               36.4               76.7  
1989.4                    na                 na                 na                 na               78.3               86.0              101.1               75.1                 na               35.0               80.6  
1989.3                    na                 na                 na                 na               85.8               89.7              104.2               79.2                 na               32.6               82.5  
1989.2                    na                 na                 na                 na              106.8               91.3               96.8               87.3                 na               34.5               76.7  
1989.1                    na                 na                 na                 na              117.1               95.7               94.3               96.6                 na               31.9               64.0  
1988.4                    na                 na                 na                 na              115.1               92.7               89.1               95.3                 na               24.6               59.2  
1988.3                    na                 na                 na                 na              108.3               92.2               94.7               90.4                 na               26.4               59.5  
1988.2                    na                 na                 na                 na              119.2              102.2              101.7              102.5                 na               30.1               66.7  
1988.1                    na                 na                 na                 na              126.1               87.7               95.8               81.9                 na               29.5               68.7  
1987.4                    na                 na                 na                 na              126.2               82.4               98.0               71.1                 na               33.3               75.7  
1987.3                    na                 na                 na                 na              118.6               76.4               94.5               63.4                 na               35.5               84.5  
1987.2                    na                 na                 na                 na              121.0               68.8               87.4               55.3                 na               34.5               74.0  
1987.1                    na                 na                 na                 na              126.2               60.7               75.2               50.3                 na               33.2               64.9  
1986.4                    na                 na                 na                 na              149.6               57.2               70.4               47.6                 na               27.5               54.6  
1986.3                    na                 na                 na                 na              157.3               56.0               67.6               47.7                 na               23.3               39.3  
1986.2                    na                 na                 na                 na              159.0               57.3               69.5               48.5                 na               23.2               45.0  
1986.1                    na                 na                 na                 na              182.5               55.0               65.0               47.8                 na               32.2               52.9  
1985.4                    na                 na                 na                 na              154.3               53.3               64.8               45.1                 na               52.7               48.4  
1985.3                    na                 na                 na                 na              135.6               52.6               60.7               46.8                 na               50.9               57.4  
1985.2                    na                 na                 na                 na              141.4               54.6               61.0               50.0                 na               50.6               64.8  
1985.1                    na                 na                 na                 na              152.5               52.9               58.4               48.9                 na               51.5               69.1  
1984.4                    na                 na                 na                 na              157.9               56.4               67.4               48.4                 na               51.7               72.8  
1984.3                    na                 na                 na                 na              159.3               58.9               72.5               49.1                 na               52.9               75.9  
1984.2                    na                 na                 na                 na              171.8               63.4               75.3               54.7                 na               55.0               87.2  
1984.1                    na                 na                 na                 na              172.2               64.1               72.4               58.2                 na               54.9               87.9  
1983.4                    na                 na                 na                 na              158.9               64.3               71.0               59.6                 na               54.3               88.9  
1983.3                    na                 na                 na                 na              142.1               64.6               68.1               62.0                 na               56.8               89.7  
1983.2                    na                 na                 na                 na              136.6               60.9               62.8               59.5                 na               55.6               82.7  
1983.1                    na                 na                 na                 na              132.5               55.3               57.7               53.5                 na               55.6               75.1  
1982.4                    na                 na                 na                 na              129.4               51.9               57.8               47.7                 na               61.3               69.5  
1982.3                    na                 na                 na                 na              120.8               53.4               60.8               48.0                 na               61.1               75.9  
1982.2                    na                 na                 na                 na              124.1               54.4               61.8               49.1                 na               61.8               74.5  
1982.1                    na                 na                 na                 na              139.3               57.4               62.2               53.9                 na               60.8               70.1  
1981.4                    na                 na                 na                 na              135.3               57.4               60.8               54.8                 na               66.0               71.6  
1981.3                    na                 na                 na                 na              127.4               59.2               61.7               57.3                 na               64.2               81.1  
1981.2                    na                 na                 na                 na              125.8               61.9               65.5               59.3                 na               66.1               87.5  
1981.1                    na                 na                 na                 na              137.2               64.4               67.0               62.5                 na               72.0               95.7  
1980.4                    na                 na                 na                 na              138.9               69.0               72.5               66.4                 na               71.9               98.6  
1980.3                    na                 na                 na                 na              153.5               72.5               73.0               72.1                 na               65.8               95.5  
1980.2                    na                 na                 na                 na              183.5               70.3               67.2               72.6                 na               70.8               87.7  
1980.1                    na                 na                 na                 na              191.3               80.1               74.5               84.0                 na               71.0               93.2